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Processing chicken meat for cold storage

Preserving Quality, Expanding Opportunity: Value Addition for Poultry

The “Processing chicken meat for cold storage” technology is a systematic approach to poultry processing. It involves the use of mechanized equipment for secondary processing of raw chicken into value-added products, such as cleaned, pre-cut, and preserved chicken meat. This technology also incorporates cold storage facilities, which allow for long-term storage and long-distance transport of the processed poultry products. Designed to be accessible to small and medium enterprises, farmers can form cooperatives to raise sufficient capital and volumes for the processing plant.


This technology is TAAT1 validated.


Scaling readiness: idea maturity 8/9; level of use 7/9

Positive or neutral impact

Adults 18 and over
Positive high
The poor
Positive medium
Under 18
Positive medium
Positive high

Positive or neutral impact

Climate adaptability
It adapts somewhat well
Adaptability for farmers
It helps a lot
It doesn't hurt them
Carbon footprint
It reduces emissions a little
It makes a big difference
Water usage
It uses a lot less water


  • Low Returns for Farmers: Farmers often sell poultry at live markets where they are slaughtered on-site. This practice typically results in lower returns for farmers.
  • Public Health Hazards: The on-site slaughtering of poultry at live markets can lead to public health hazards due to potential unsanitary conditions.
  • Supply Shortages: The reliance on live markets for poultry sales can cause supply shortages, particularly during periods when live poultry is not readily available.
  • Limited Market Reach: Without the ability to process and store poultry products, farmers are unable to reach a larger consumer base, which limits their potential revenue.
  • Growing Demand for Processed Poultry: There is a rapidly increasing demand for ready-to-cook or precooked chicken meat, which current practices are unable to meet effectively.
  • Lack of Capital and Volume for Small and Medium Enterprises: Many small and medium enterprises lack the necessary capital and volume to establish processing plants. This limits their ability to participate in and benefit from the poultry value chain.


  • Value Addition and Processing: The technology facilitates secondary processing of whole raw chicken into value-added products, meeting consumer demand for convenient and safer poultry products.

  • Cold Storage: Mechanized equipment and refrigeration systems enable long-term storage and long-distance transport of processed chicken products, ensuring year-round availability and reducing supply shortages.

  • Promotion of Hygiene and Quality Norms: Strict hygiene and quality standards are maintained in the processing of poultry products to promote marketing and consumption patterns.

  • Mechanized Equipment: The technology allows for high-volume processing with the use of small electric slicers, deboning machines, and grinders for low-volume operations, as well as fully automated processing plants for large-scale operations.

  • Diverse Product Range: Poultry can be processed into a variety of products, including ready-to-cook marinated, chopped, breaded, crumbed, glazed, roasted, fried, and grilled products to meet consumer preferences.

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Cost: $$$ 500—1000 USD

Prices of small electric processing machines

ROI: $$$ 303 %

Internal return rate

15,600 USD

basic processing plant with defeathering, cutting and storage lines for 500 chicken per day



Countries with a green colour
Tested & adopted
Countries with a bright green colour
Countries with a yellow colour
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Burkina Faso Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Cameroon Kenya Libya Liberia Madagascar Mali Malawi Morocco Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Zambia Senegal Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia South Sudan Sudan South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Togo Tunisia Chad Uganda Western Sahara Central African Republic Lesotho
Countries where the technology has been tested and adopted
Country Tested Adopted
Benin Tested Adopted
Botswana Tested Adopted
Burundi Tested Adopted
Central African Republic Tested Adopted
Côte d’Ivoire Tested Adopted
Democratic Republic of the Congo Tested Adopted
Ethiopia Tested Adopted
Gabon Tested Adopted
Ghana Tested Adopted
Guinea Tested Adopted
Kenya Tested Adopted
Madagascar Tested Adopted
Malawi Tested Adopted
Mozambique Tested Adopted
Niger Tested Adopted
Nigeria Tested Adopted
Rwanda Tested Adopted
Senegal Tested Adopted
Sierra Leone Tested Adopted
Somalia Tested Adopted
South Sudan Tested Adopted
Tanzania Tested Adopted
Uganda Tested Adopted
Zambia Tested Adopted
Zimbabwe Tested Adopted

This technology can be used in the colored agro-ecological zones. Any zones shown in white are not suitable for this technology.

Agro-ecological zones where this technology can be used
AEZ Subtropic - warm Subtropic - cool Tropic - warm Tropic - cool

Source: HarvestChoice/IFPRI 2009

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are applicable to this technology.

Sustainable Development Goal 2: zero hunger
Goal 2: zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal 12: responsible production and consumption
Goal 12: responsible production and consumption

  1. Poultry Farming: Start with poultry farming to ensure a steady supply of chickens for processing.

  2. Secondary Processing: Use mechanized equipment such as small electric slicers, deboning machines, and grinders to transform whole raw chicken into value-added products. This includes cleaning, pre-cutting, and preserving the chicken meat.

  3. Hygiene and Quality Control: Maintain strict hygiene and quality norms during the processing of poultry products to promote marketing and consumption patterns.

  4. Cold Storage: Rapidly cool the processed poultry products to 4°C within two hours after slaughter. This can be achieved through different combinations of forced air, water immersion, spray, or vacuum chilling.

  5. Packaging: Package the processed poultry products for storage, transport, and marketing. This can be done using wrapped trays or airtight packages, each serving different markets. Chamber-style vacuum sealers can be used for strict portion control, long shelf-life, and high food hygiene.

  6. Commercialization: Finally, market and sell the processed poultry products to consumers.

Last updated on 22 May 2024