18 results

GeoAgro - MiSR -: Yield Gap Analysis Tool

GeoAgro-MiSR is a tech tool that uses satellite data to help farmers manage water and fertilizer use for crops like wheat, barley, maize, and potato. It addresses the problem of inefficient resource use, aiming to improve crop yields, reduce input costs, and minimize environmental pollution from overuse of nitrates. The tool offers a free app for farmers to analyze field data and make smart farming decisions. This leads to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

Pre-validated 8•7 8

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Pre-validated 9•7 2

Equipment for feed production: Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production

Affordable animal feed for breeders The technology of "Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production" holds significant importance in Sub-Saharan Africa, where large quantities of cassava peels are generated as byproducts of cassava processing. These peels, if not properly managed, create environmental hazards through uncontrolled dumping and burning. However, their potential as a valuable resource for rearing livestock and fish remains largely untapped. Cassava peels have the potential to serve as an excellent source of feed and fiber for animals, but their utilization has been hindered by drying constraints, the risk of aflatoxin contamination, and poor storability when traditional methods are employed. The introduction of simple equipment to mechanize the conversion of cassava peels into animal feeds offers solutions to these challenges. This technology reduces labor costs, shortens drying times, and improves the shelf life of feed products. By effectively utilizing cassava peels as animal feed, smallholder farmers and agri-food manufacturers can enhance the value derived from their cassava crops and address the scarcity of nutritious animal feeds. Additionally, the mechanized processing of cassava peels into wet cakes and dry mashes presents opportunities for job creation and business development in rural areas of Africa. Overall, this technology not only mitigates environmental issues but also contributes to improving food security, livestock production, and economic prospects in the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5

High quality cassava flour and industrial starches

Extend Freshness, Expand Opportunities with Cassava Flour! The technology of producing High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) and industrial starches is of paramount importance. It addresses the critical issue of rapid spoilage and mold in fresh cassava roots due to their high water content, a significant challenge for farmers in storing or selling their produce. African communities have long relied on various processing methods to extend shelf life and eliminate toxic cyanide compounds. Traditional cassava flour production techniques do not offer substantial market opportunities for smallholder cassava farmers.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers

Fodder Enrichment for Thriving Livestock The technology of silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture by converting leftover plant material into high-quality animal fodder. It addresses the challenges of resource wastage under unfavorable environmental conditions and contributes to bridging gaps in animal feed availability for farmers. Silage enhances feed digestibility, preserves essential nutrients, and significantly benefits the growth and well-being of ruminants and pigs, making it a valuable asset in modern agriculture.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 2

Pneumatic Cassava Dryers

Low-cost mechanized drying of cassava using Flash Dryers The technology of "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" holds paramount importance in the cassava processing chain. Specifically designed for transforming cassava mash into floury or powdery products, flash dryers stand out for their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and wide application for solids with low moisture content. Their suitability for producing starch, high-quality cassava flour (HQCF), and powdered fufu has been notably recognized. Flash dryers have been instrumental in revolutionizing cassava processing. They were first successfully tested in the year 2000 by IITA in collaboration with Femtex Starch factory in Lagos, demonstrating promising results. Subsequently, technical support was extended to equipment fabricators in Nigeria, leading to widespread fabrication and utilization of flash dryers for producing HQCF from cassava. Since 2004, the commercial fabrication and installation of flash dryers have expanded not only in Nigeria but also in several other African countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zambia. These dryers have been widely adopted and implemented by various projects, government institutions, and private sectors, signifying their pivotal role in enhancing cassava processing for higher value-added products.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

Mobile Cassava Processing Plant

Transforming Cassava, Mobile Processing for Sustainable Agriculture The Mobile Cassava Processing Plant (MCPP) addresses challenges in cassava commercialization by providing an alternative to immobile processing factories. The MCPP, developed by the TAAT Cassava Compact, is a six-wheel truck with modern processing machinery, an electricity generator, and a loader crane. It facilitates on-site processing of cassava into shelf-stable products, reducing postharvest losses and transportation costs.

Validated (TAAT1) 6•6 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Hide Curing and Secondary Leatherworks

Turning hides into leather to enrich communities The technology "Hide Curing and Secondary Leatherworks" emphasizes the importance of properly treating animal hides for maximum value. Hides, after meat, are the next most valuable product from livestock. They can be processed into various products like shoes, handbags, and clothing, provided skilled artisans and appropriate materials are available.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 6 ROI: $$$

Ethical Meat Processing: Humane Slaughtering and Meat Inspection

Enhance meat quality while prioritizing animal welfare. Humane Slaughtering and Meat Inspection ensures animals are slaughtered without pain or distress, improving meat quality and consumer health. It addresses the ethical treatment of animals in the meat processing industry.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Processing chicken meat for cold storage

Preserving Quality, Expanding Opportunity: Value Addition for Poultry The “Processing chicken meat for cold storage” technology is a transformative approach to poultry processing in Africa. It addresses the current practice of selling live poultry at markets, which often leads to lower returns for farmers and public health concerns. The technology enables the secondary processing of raw chicken into value-added products and facilitates cold storage, expanding the consumer base and increasing revenue for producers. It caters to the growing demand for ready-to-cook or precooked chicken meat, driven by urbanization, income growth, and heightened awareness of diet and food quality. The technology, accessible to small and medium enterprises, involves mechanized equipment for high-volume processing and refrigeration facilities for long-term storage and transport.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Defeathering and Egg Sorting

Efficiency Unleashed: Poultry Processing, Simplified Mechanized Defeathering and Egg Sorting technology addresses the labor-intensive and time-consuming processes of defeathering chickens and manually sorting eggs. It offers efficient, quick, and precise solutions for poultry farmers, enhancing productivity and product quality. The technology is crucial for small to medium-scale poultry producers, providing benefits such as increased throughput, reduced handling costs, and premium prices for high-grade eggs.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Processing and Value Addition for Fish Products

From Catch to Cuisine: Enhancing Fish Quality and Sustainability Fish processing is a vital component of the agricultural sector, ensuring the preservation and value addition of fish products. It plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life, improving taste, and enhancing the nutritional value of fish. Common methods like solar tent dryers and smoking kilns offer cost-effective ways to preserve fish, reducing the need for refrigeration, and enabling the creation of various value-added fish products, ranging from fillets to fish powder, which contribute to food quality and market appeal.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 4

Advanced equipment for Bean processing: Bean Flour and Flour Products

Bean Flour Made Easy The technology of producing bean flour and flour products is of paramount significance, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. It addresses the challenges posed by the time and energy required for traditional bean preparation, making it more appealing to urban consumers. This innovation not only facilitates the creation of a wide range of processed and ready-to-eat products but also serves as a crucial first step in their production. By using bean flour, homemakers can save substantial time and reduce fuel costs when compared to the traditional method of lengthy boiling. Additionally, it enhances the bioavailability of essential vitamins and micronutrients in food products derived from beans.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3 Cost: $$$

Pre-Cooked Beans for Consumer Convenience

Advanced approach for quick, convenient, and delicious bean "Pre-Cooked Beans for Consumer Convenience" is a food processing technology designed to address the long cooking time, high energy, and water requirements associated with whole dried common beans, which are a major staple food in eastern and southern Africa. This technology involves pre-cooking the beans and then preserving them through methods like canning or freezing. This significantly reduces preparation time and fuel use, making it more appealing to urban and middle-class consumers. It also opens up new commercial opportunities, benefiting both consumers and farmers. The technology is particularly advantageous for women homemakers and canteen caterers, as it frees up time for other activities. The process involves sorting, washing, blanching, soaking, sterilization, and drying of the beans before packaging. The technology can be applied in various agroecologies and is available in several countries in Africa.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 4

Value-added Processing of Bananas and Plantain

Banana and Plantain Processing for a Healthier Diet Value-added processing of bananas and plantains creates valuable products by using both ripe and unripe fruit. This technology produces items like flour, purees, and chips, all with higher market value than raw fruit. Unripe banana or plantain flour finds uses in baking, gluten-free products, and even infant food. Ripe bananas are transformed into purees suitable for beverages, ice cream, and yogurt. Similar to potato chips, banana chips can be produced fried or dried, offering consumers a tasty and convenient snack. This approach not only reduces fruit waste by utilizing both ripe and unripe stages but also creates new markets and higher potential income for farmers. An additional benefit is the improved nutritional profile, with banana flours boasting a richness in fiber, potassium, and resistant starch. The technology is adaptable to both small-scale and industrial production facilities, making it a valuable tool for a variety of stakeholders in the banana and plantain value chain.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5

OFSP puree and products: Puree Production and Products for Sweet Potato

Effortless sweet potato puree, every time! Puree production and products for orange fresh sweet potato (OFSP) technology involves processing sweet potato tubers into a versatile puree that offers numerous benefits. By converting fresh tubers into puree, the shelf life is extended, enabling year-round availability. This process can be carried out using common small-scale food processing equipment and vacuum-packed storage technology with preservatives, ensuring the puree remains stable for up to four months. The resulting puree can be used as a nutritious ingredient in a variety of baked and fried products, as well as concentrated foods like baby food and smoothies. Additionally, OFSP puree is rich in pro-vitamin A, enhancing the nutritional value of the end-products. The process itself is relatively simple, involving steps such as cleaning, steaming, peeling, and mashing the sweet potato flesh. Overall, OFSP puree technology presents an accessible and beneficial solution for adding nutritional value and commercial viability to food products.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

GEM: Parboiling and flour production equipment for rice

Reduce milling losses, enhance nutritional and organoleptic quality Parboiling is a process whereby rough rice is steeped in cold or warm water, heated with steam under pressure or in boiling water to gelatinize starch with minimum grain swelling, followed by slow drying. The nutritional, flavor and textural characteristics of parboiled rice are better than non-parboiled counterparts and can match the quality of imported rice making it more appealing to consumers. Traditionally, parboiling is carried out in a cast iron drum with a false bottom for soaking and steaming that is placed on a three-stone fire, which is severely expose processors to air pollution from emissions of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5). These easy-to-build systems are highly suitable for small to medium scale processors in rice growing areas of Sub-Saharan Africa that have poor energy and market infrastructures.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Flour Milling and Blending Systems: Flour Milling and Blending Systems

Produce a premium wheat flour close to production areas The technology of Flour Milling and Blending Systems is crucial for enhancing the value of wheat produced by farmers and traders. It allows the grinding of wheat into flour, enabling its storage for several months and utilization in various food products such as bread, biscuits, cakes, porridges, and pasta. By transitioning from manual to advanced milling and blending systems, these technologies facilitate the production of high-quality wheat flour that meets consumer preferences. The implementation of these systems, available in various sizes from local and international manufacturers, enables the creation of premium flour closer to the production areas. This not only reduces transportation costs but also extends the shelf life of the flour, ensuring better access to local and national markets. Empowering rural communities with milling and blending capabilities promotes increased output, adds value to local products, and enhances the competitiveness of African wheat producers, thereby enabling them to better compete with imported products.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$