36 results

ZECC: Zero Energy Cooling Chamber for Vegetables

Cut Post-Harvest Losses for Vegetables The Zero Energy Cooling Chamber (ZECC) is an eco-friendly, electricity-free storage system that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by several days. It operates through evaporative cooling, making it ideal for rural areas. ZECC helps reduce post-harvest losses, increases the availability of nutrient-dense foods, and provides an affordable cooling solution for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•8 4 Cost: $$$

Turbocrop: Field crop plant establishment biostimulant

Specialized biostimulant for root development and vegetative growth on field crops Turbocrop stands as a specialized biostimulant, strategically crafted to elevate root development and stimulate vegetative growth across crops. The formulation is tailored to fortify plants against abiotic stressors, encompassing extreme temperatures, drought conditions, and nutrient deficiencies. Its multifaceted benefits include enhanced root architecture, optimized nutrient utilization, and holistic support for robust plant growth, ultimately contributing to improved crop resilience and productivity.

Pre-validated 9•9 5 Cost: $$$

Soybean inoculant: Rhyzobium inoculant range, various strains

N-fixing bacteria to reduce chemical fertilizer use Stimuplant is an inoculant designed for diverse legume crops, leveraging a symbiotic association with Rhizobia bacteria. This unique collaboration enhances nitrogen levels in the soil, contributing 40 to 150 kg per hectare. Certified with CERES organic certification, Stimuplant ensures sustainable and organic farming practices. The innovative UPL powder carrier technology shields bacteria from harsh environmental conditions, providing extended shelf life (9 months) and offering practical packaging tailored for smallholder farmers. This multifaceted solution addresses nitrogen scarcity, promotes organic certification, and enhances the accessibility of inoculants for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

IPM: Integrated Management of Insects, Diseases and Weeds

Smart Solutions for Safer Farming The technology "Integrated Management of Insects, Diseases, and Weeds" is of paramount importance that addresses several critical issues in Pest and Disease Vulnerability, Inappropriate Pesticide Usage, Pesticide Resistance, Food Security Concerns, Environmental Impact. The technology provides a solution through integrates various biological, mechanical, physical, and cultural methods to achieve more effective and sustainable crop protection. IPM is a vital strategy to combat the challenges posed by pests and diseases, ensuring food security, and promoting responsible agricultural practices.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5 Cost: $$$

Advanced Weed Management: Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management

Weed Management for Optimal Yield The "Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management" technology is a game-changer for bean farmers, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. Weeds can cause major losses in bean crops, and this technology offers a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to manual weeding. By using herbicides and mechanical weeders, farmers can save time, increase their yield, and ultimately improve their income. This innovation is a powerful tool in ensuring food security and economic stability for bean farmers in various African countries.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 7 ROI: $$$

Low-Cost Staking for Climbing Beans

Empowering Beans, Sustaining Growth! The technology is a low-cost and sustainable solution for staking climbing beans, offering lower-cost, environmentally friendly alternatives, reducing the required number of stakes and addressing yield limitations associated with traditional staking methods.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$

Low-dose pest control: Seed dressing of Seed with Fungicide and Insecticide

Pest control for optimum yields The "Seed Dressing with Fungicide and Insecticide" technology is crucial in mitigating yield losses in common beans caused by fungal diseases like anthracnose and insect pests such as stem maggots in Africa. These issues significantly impact crop productivity and jeopardize the profitability of improved varieties and fertilizer inputs for farmers. The use of chemical control agents in seed dressing offers an affordable and eco-friendly approach to prevent losses and boost production. This method, utilizing minimal pesticides, facilitates better seedling emergence and enhances the crop's resistance throughout the growing season, thereby aiding in maintaining and improving common bean yields in the face of prevalent diseases and pests.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 6

Conservation agriculture: Minimal Tillage and Surface Mulching of Soils

Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Farming In regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, where dry tropical conditions and diminishing soil fertility pose significant challenges to wheat production, the adoption of Minimal Tillage and Surface Mulching of Soils is paramount. Traditional farming practices, characterized by excessive tillage and minimal organic matter incorporation, have led to the degradation of crucial soil functions, including nutrient retention and water management. With dwindling water resources due to drought spells and overexploitation, Conservation Agriculture (CA) emerges as a cost-effective solution. CA enhances wheat grain yields, ensures resilience to water scarcity, and benefits both farmers' incomes and the environment by promoting soil biodiversity, reducing emissions, and sequestering carbon, making it a vital strategy for sustainable wheat production in dryland farming systems.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 4 Cost: $$$

Climbing Bean with High Yield and N Fixation

Growing Prosperity: Climbing Beans for Food Security & Income Growth Climbing Bean with High Yield and N Fixation Technology improved bean varieties in Eastern and Southern Africa, by increasing yields compared to bush types beans, contributing to food security and higher incomes for farmers. These improved climbing bean varieties are resistant to common pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions. They can withstand various environmental stresses, enhancing their adaptability to different conditions. The technology promotes higher biological nitrogen fixation in climbing beans, reducing the cost for farmers and enabling cultivation in nitrogen-depleted soils. The adoption of these climbing bean varieties by small-scale farmers in Africa not only addresses hunger and malnutrition but also significantly improves their livelihoods.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3

Pre-plant blended fertilizers and nitrogen topdressing for maize

Unlock Maize Potential with Balanced Fertilizer Bliss! Balanced Fertilizer Blend for Maize is a specialized mixture of nutrients crucial for optimal maize growth. Proper application of this blend ensures robust root systems, disease resistance, and improved grain production. It addresses the issue of inadequate nutrient supply which often leads to subpar yields and environmental losses. This technology provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for maize farmers, enhancing both profitability and sustainability.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2

DroughtTEGO: Drought tolerant and high yield maize varieties

Boost yields, and income with advanced maize. TEGO is an innovative agricultural solution designed to address the challenges of drought resilience and food security in maize cultivation. By integrating advanced breeding techniques, genetic traits for drought tolerance, and climate-smart agricultural practices, TEGO technology offers a comprehensive approach to improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. Key features include the development of maize hybrids with enhanced drought tolerance and high yield potential, promotion of sustainable farming practices to conserve natural resources and mitigate environmental degradation, and provision of training and extension services to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt to changing climatic conditions. TEGO technology represents a promising solution for enhancing resilience to drought and climate variability, thereby contributing to food security and livelihoods in agricultural communities worldwide.

Validated (TAAT1) 9•7 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management

Weed-free Fields, Bountiful Yields! The "Six Steps Cassava Weed Management" technology is a vital innovation in cassava cultivation in Sub-Saharan Africa. It offers a comprehensive approach to tackling the persistent problem of weed encroachment in cassava fields. By addressing key control measures such as site selection, weed identification, herbicide application, tillage operations, plant spacing, and post-emergence weeding, this technology significantly boosts cassava yields. It's a game-changer for cassava farmers, enabling them to achieve higher yields and improve food security in the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 9•7 5

RiceAdvice digital support

Your Digital Guide to Better Harvests The "RiceAdvice" digital support tool addresses the challenge of limited access to tailored agronomic information for rice farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides field-specific guidelines for paddy production, offering recommendations on fertilizer use and weed management. This leads to higher rice grain yields and better returns on investments. The technology improves extension services, overcoming practical and financial barriers to sustainable farming practices.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Disease Diagnosis: Nuru for in-field Pest

Crop Care in Your Pocket: Nuru App, Your Farming Companion PlantVillage Nuru is a groundbreaking smartphone app that harnesses artificial intelligence to offer real-time offline diagnosis of crop damage symptoms caused by diseases and pests. Initially developed for cassava, it now extends its capabilities to diagnose damage in maize and is expanding to cover other crops, like potato. This free app not only provides instant diagnoses but also fosters community connections among users and offers guidance on managing the identified diseases and pests. This technology is a pivotal tool for farmers, enabling them to swiftly identify and address crop issues, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5

Multi-Crop production system: Intercropping Strategies for Banana and Plantain

Improved system production for better yield Intercropping Strategies for Banana and Plantain is a really important way of farming. It helps farmers grow different crops together, solving many problems and bringing lots of good things. This method allows farmers to harvest some crops early, even before the bananas are ready. It also stops the soil from being washed away by rain, which keeps the land healthy. Plus, it helps use water and nutrients better, which means less need for chemicals. This method is good for both small and big farms, helping them grow more food and make more money. Overall, it's a smart and very useful way of farming in today's world.

Validated (TAAT1) 5•7 6

In-Vitro Banana Tissue Culture Propagation

A rapid quality plantlets delivery technology for banana In-Vitro Tissue Culture Propagation involves laboratory-based propagation of disease-free banana and plantain through tissue culture. It allows for the rapid production of uniform and disease-free plantlets, aiding in faster recovery from disease outbreaks and extreme weather conditions.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Pond Liners to Save Water and Ease Maintenance

Preserving Water, Pond Liners for Sustainable Fish Farming. Pond Liners, an innovative water conservation technology, employ sheets of UV-resistant materials to form an impermeable layer between water and soil. This reduces water losses, prevents algal blooms, and facilitates nutrient cycling. Affordable and easy to install, these liners are crucial for fish farming in areas with sandy soils or limited access to freshwater.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Ethical Meat Processing: Humane Slaughtering and Meat Inspection

Enhance meat quality while prioritizing animal welfare. Humane Slaughtering and Meat Inspection ensures animals are slaughtered without pain or distress, improving meat quality and consumer health. It addresses the ethical treatment of animals in the meat processing industry.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Processing chicken meat for cold storage

Preserving Quality, Expanding Opportunity: Value Addition for Poultry The “Processing chicken meat for cold storage” technology is a transformative approach to poultry processing in Africa. It addresses the current practice of selling live poultry at markets, which often leads to lower returns for farmers and public health concerns. The technology enables the secondary processing of raw chicken into value-added products and facilitates cold storage, expanding the consumer base and increasing revenue for producers. It caters to the growing demand for ready-to-cook or precooked chicken meat, driven by urbanization, income growth, and heightened awareness of diet and food quality. The technology, accessible to small and medium enterprises, involves mechanized equipment for high-volume processing and refrigeration facilities for long-term storage and transport.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Value Addition to Poultry Manure

Transforming waste into wealth The technology, "Poultry Manure Value Addition," involves processing chicken manure to create a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. This practice addresses challenges associated with raw manure, such as pathogens, root damage, and odor. By composting and applying value addition methods, the manure becomes a valuable input for enhancing soil fertility and improving crop yields in agricultural production. This technology primarily contributes to the pre-production phase of the agricultural value chain, focusing on the processing of organic fertilizers before they are utilized in crop cultivation or livestock farming.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$

Special Chicken Breed: Dual-Purpose Chicken for Small-Scale Producers

High-Performance Breeding Chicken Breed The technology of "Dual-Purpose Chicken for Small-Scale Producers" addresses the limitations of indigenous chickens by introducing specialized breeds capable of both high egg production and meat yield. These improved breeds are cost-effective, disease-resistant, heat-tolerant, and efficient in converting feed. The distribution process involves companies establishing parent stock and hatchery operations, followed by the transportation of day-old chicks (DOCs) to brooder units. These specialized brooder units focus on essential care, including brooding, feeding, and proper vaccination during the initial 30-40 days of the chicks' lives. This technology allows for the wide dissemination of improved dual-purpose chicken breeds to a large number of smallholder farmers. The approach significantly enhances the survival rates of chickens by providing them with a strong start. An excellent example of this technology in action is the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI), which successfully initiated numerous brooder units in Tanzania and Nigeria. Through this initiative, millions of day-old chicks were delivered to hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers, significantly impacting poultry farming in these regions.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 6

Mechanized Processing and Value Addition for Fish Products

From Catch to Cuisine: Enhancing Fish Quality and Sustainability Fish processing is a vital component of the agricultural sector, ensuring the preservation and value addition of fish products. It plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life, improving taste, and enhancing the nutritional value of fish. Common methods like solar tent dryers and smoking kilns offer cost-effective ways to preserve fish, reducing the need for refrigeration, and enabling the creation of various value-added fish products, ranging from fillets to fish powder, which contribute to food quality and market appeal.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 4

Hapa Nets for Fingerling

Hapa Nets for Mass Fingerling Hatchery Production The "Hapa Nets for Mass Fingerling Hatchery Production" technology addresses the constraints faced by the aquaculture industry in Sub-Saharan Africa due to inadequate and inconsistent supply of high-quality fingerlings from improved fish breeds. Predation, uneven growth rates, and high mortality in open ponds limit aquaculture expansion. The introduction of "hapa" nets—small enclosures within ponds—serves to protect brooders, hatchlings, and juveniles from predators, ensuring better management of fish stocks. This technology allows for closer monitoring and adjustment of breeding, feeding, and aeration processes, resulting in improved fertilization rates, uniform growth, reduced mortality, and increased production of fry and fingerlings, thereby ensuring more reliable and stable returns on investment for hatcheries.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 6 Cost: $$$

Pre-Cooked Beans for Consumer Convenience

Advanced approach for quick, convenient, and delicious bean "Pre-Cooked Beans for Consumer Convenience" is a food processing technology designed to address the long cooking time, high energy, and water requirements associated with whole dried common beans, which are a major staple food in eastern and southern Africa. This technology involves pre-cooking the beans and then preserving them through methods like canning or freezing. This significantly reduces preparation time and fuel use, making it more appealing to urban and middle-class consumers. It also opens up new commercial opportunities, benefiting both consumers and farmers. The technology is particularly advantageous for women homemakers and canteen caterers, as it frees up time for other activities. The process involves sorting, washing, blanching, soaking, sterilization, and drying of the beans before packaging. The technology can be applied in various agroecologies and is available in several countries in Africa.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 4

Value-added Processing of Bananas and Plantain

Banana and Plantain Processing for a Healthier Diet Value-added processing of bananas and plantains creates valuable products by using both ripe and unripe fruit. This technology produces items like flour, purees, and chips, all with higher market value than raw fruit. Unripe banana or plantain flour finds uses in baking, gluten-free products, and even infant food. Ripe bananas are transformed into purees suitable for beverages, ice cream, and yogurt. Similar to potato chips, banana chips can be produced fried or dried, offering consumers a tasty and convenient snack. This approach not only reduces fruit waste by utilizing both ripe and unripe stages but also creates new markets and higher potential income for farmers. An additional benefit is the improved nutritional profile, with banana flours boasting a richness in fiber, potassium, and resistant starch. The technology is adaptable to both small-scale and industrial production facilities, making it a valuable tool for a variety of stakeholders in the banana and plantain value chain.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5