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GEM: Parboiling and flour production equipment for rice

Reduce milling losses, enhance nutritional and organoleptic quality

The "GEM parboiling and flour production for rice" technology is an improved system designed to enhance the parboiling process for rice. This technology introduces a new, advanced design for parboiling equipment, replacing the traditional cast iron drum method that typically exposes processors to harmful emissions, such as carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter. The GEM system utilizes a stainless steel parboiler tank and an enhanced stove design to efficiently steam rice, improving the overall process performance and product quality. It's specifically tailored for small to medium-scale processors in rice-growing regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, where energy and market infrastructures are often underdeveloped. The system's structure and components are easily accessible and can be constructed in remote communities. It significantly reduces the time required for steaming rice compared to conventional methods, achieving substantial improvements in grain quality and efficiency.


This technology is TAAT1 validated.


Scaling readiness: idea maturity 7/9; level of use 7/9

Cost: $$$ 400 USD


ROI: $$$ 70 %

Internal rate of return for a GEM parboiling system

0.64 USD

firewood per 100kg of rice


Open source / open access


  • High milling losses.
  • Decreased nutritional quality of the rice.
  • Undesirable texture, aroma, and appearance of the rice.
  • Significant time and effort required for the process.


  • Improved and Safer Design: The GEM parboiling system significantly reduces the steaming time to 20-25 minutes, which enhances efficiency and minimizes exposure to harmful emissions.
  • Quality Enhancement: The GEM system brings improvements in the parboiling process, increasing grain translucency, reducing chalkiness, and enhancing the overall nutritional quality of the rice, making it more appealing to consumers.
  • Health and Nutritional Benefits: Parboiled rice offers health benefits such as a low glycemic index, increased fiber content, and higher availability of vitamin B compared to non-parboiled rice.
  • Improved Production and Storage: Transforming rice into flour facilitates longer storage, aiding in alleviating food insecurity and promoting the widespread use of locally produced rice by food manufacturers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Adaptability and Accessibility: The GEM technology is made from simple, locally available materials, such as stainless steel and fire bricks, and is designed to be easily built and scaled in remote communities. The technology comes in different sizes, allowing processors to align it with their financial resources and production needs.

Key points to design your business plan

For Manufacturers

Manufacturing the parboiling technology streamline rice processing, reduce emissions, and optimize resource utilization. 

To successfully navigate this market, you need to know where to source the raw material for making the equipment, identify efficient transportation methods, and explore suitable storage facilities. 

Your potential customers are : wholesale distributors of input to retailers, and to development projects, government agencies, and NGOs. 

Building strong partnerships with wholesale distributor networks is key to the success of your business.


For Resellers

Selling the parboiling technology not only provides a valuable product but also fosters closer engagement with users while simultaneously reducing the significant harvest losses often recorded

To successfully navigate this market, you need to know where to source this equipment (Benin, Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria), identify efficient transportation methods, and explore suitable storage facilities. 

The cost varies depending on the size of the technology. The main expense of the GEM parboiling technology is the installation of a gasification stove, which costs around USD 400. Include the cost of transport and any import duties and taxes.

Your potential customer base is: Farmers, development projects, and farmers cooperatives or associations.

For Users

Using parboiling systems enhance productivity, improve product quality, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Additionally, integrating parboiling technology can lead to cost savings, efficiency gains, and increased market competitiveness in the rice industry.

As key partners you need sellers or fleet managers.

As for the structure of cost : The GEM parboiling technology drastically cuts firewood expenses. Traditional methods cost USD 1.83 per 100 kilograms of rice, while GEM reduces it to just USD 0.64. Installing a gasification stove, costing around USD 400, almost eliminates fuel costs by using rice husk waste for heat generation.

Adults 18 and over: Positive high

The poor: Positive medium

Under 18: Positive medium

Women: Positive high

Climate adaptability: Highly adaptable

Farmer climate change readiness: Significant improvement

Biodiversity: No impact on biodiversity

Carbon footprint: A bit less carbon released

Environmental health: Does not improve environmental health

Soil quality: Does not affect soil health and fertility

Water use: A bit less water used

Countries with a green colour
Tested & adopted
Countries with a bright green colour
Countries with a yellow colour
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Burkina Faso Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Cameroon Kenya Libya Liberia Madagascar Mali Malawi Morocco Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Zambia Senegal Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia South Sudan Sudan South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Togo Tunisia Chad Uganda Western Sahara Central African Republic Lesotho
Countries where the technology has been tested and adopted
Country Tested Adopted
Benin Tested Adopted
Cameroon Tested Adopted
Ghana Tested Adopted
Nigeria Tested Adopted

This technology can be used in the colored agro-ecological zones. Any zones shown in white are not suitable for this technology.

Agro-ecological zones where this technology can be used
AEZ Subtropic - warm Subtropic - cool Tropic - warm Tropic - cool

Source: HarvestChoice/IFPRI 2009

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are applicable to this technology.

Sustainable Development Goal 1: no poverty
Goal 1: no poverty
Sustainable Development Goal 2: zero hunger
Goal 2: zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal 5: gender equality
Goal 5: gender equality
Sustainable Development Goal 13: climate action
Goal 13: climate action

  1. Cleaning and Washing Rough Rice: Clean rough rice with hulls using a winnower and wash it with water. Remove floating grains with fissures and transfer the remaining rice into a clean container, ensuring no sand or gravel from the bottom is included.

  2. Soaking Process: Add 2 parts of water per part of rice by weight. Heat the rice and water mixture to 80°C.  Let the mixture sit at ambient temperature for 16 hours.

  3. Steaming the Soaked Rice: Place the soaked rice into a steaming vessel. Position the steaming vessel atop a tank filled with boiling water for 20-25 minutes to allow the vapor to pass through the rice.

  4. Drying Parboiled Rough Rice: Dry the parboiled rice with hulls in the sun until it reaches 18% moisture content. Further dry the rice in the shade until it reaches 14% moisture content. Use a tarpaulin on a cemented surface raised from the ground to dry the rice.

  5. Dehusking and Polishing: Dehusk the parboiled rice using a huller. Polish the rice using a roll mill.

  6. Processing into Flour: Crush and grind the polished grains into a fine powder using a dry rice flour mill. 

  7. Packaging: Package the rice flour using paper or plastic bags.

Last updated on 16 September 2024