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Community-based multiplication of sweet potato vines and cuttings

Boost Your Yield and Cut Costs with Community-Sourced Sweet Potato Vines.

Community-based multiplication of sweet potato vines and cuttings is a scalable agricultural approach designed to enhance the availability, access, and quality of planting materials for sweet potato cultivation in rural communities. This technology is based on a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders and local farmers. By organizing and implementing this approach, communities can address several key challenges related to sweet potato cultivation like enhanced availability and access, quality control, cost reduction, specialized involvement, pest and disease management, timely distribution, and local resource utilization. The technology is a comprehensive approach that is not only addresses the challenges of availability and quality but also contributes to lowering costs, improving crop resilience, and supporting smallholder farmers. It is adaptable to local conditions, making it a valuable technology for rural communities.


This technology is TAAT1 validated.


Scaling readiness: idea maturity 5/9; level of use 5/9

Cost: $$$

10,000 USD

Capital investments for a screen house, irrigation system, fertilizers and disease control agents to set up a sweet potato multiplication site Per 0.4 ha


Open source / open access


  • Limited availability, access, and quality of sweet potato planting material in rural communities.

  • Lack of quality control and high retail prices for planting materials.

  • Challenges in smallholder farmer landscapes with limited infrastructure and market access.

  • Difficulty in maintaining hybrid and resistant sweet potato varieties.

  • Vulnerability to pests and diseases.

  • Limited cost-effective production of planting materials.

  • Inefficiencies in distributing planting materials to farmers


  • Organizing community-based multiplication of sweet potato vines and cuttings at a medium to large scale.

  • Establishing strong linkages between multipliers and sellers for a reliable and cost-effective supply.

  • Improving quality control and reducing retail prices.

  • Enhancing access to quality planting materials.

  • Engaging specialists for better maintenance of hybrid and resistant varieties.

  • Protecting against pests and diseases.

  • Achieving cost savings through economies of scale.

  • Providing hardened planting materials closer to the fields.

  • Effective release and maintenance of improved varieties.

  • Improving distribution at the start of rainy seasons.

  • Using basic materials found locally for multiplication, including tent-style greenhouses, fertilizers, and disease control agents.

Key points to design your business plan

In this section, you will soon discover essential elements to develop your business plan. You'll find a brief list of important questions to consider before launching your business, along with information on the technology's value proposition, target audience, key resources, strategic partners, and cost structure. This compilation will assist you in evaluating the various crucial aspects to ensure the success of your business.

In the meantime, use the 'Request information' button if you need to contact us.

Adults 18 and over: Positive high

The poor: Positive high

Under 18: Positive high

Women: Positive medium

Climate adaptability: Highly adaptable

Farmer climate change readiness: Significant improvement

Biodiversity: Positive impact on biodiversity

Carbon footprint: A bit less carbon released

Environmental health: Greatly improves environmental health

Soil quality: Improves soil health and fertility

Water use: Much less water used

Countries with a green colour
Tested & adopted
Countries with a bright green colour
Countries with a yellow colour
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Burkina Faso Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Cameroon Kenya Libya Liberia Madagascar Mali Malawi Morocco Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Zambia Senegal Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia South Sudan Sudan South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Togo Tunisia Chad Uganda Western Sahara Central African Republic Lesotho
Countries where the technology has been tested and adopted
Country Tested Adopted
Kenya Tested Adopted
Mozambique Tested Adopted

This technology can be used in the colored agro-ecological zones. Any zones shown in white are not suitable for this technology.

Agro-ecological zones where this technology can be used
AEZ Subtropic - warm Subtropic - cool Tropic - warm Tropic - cool

Source: HarvestChoice/IFPRI 2009

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are applicable to this technology.

Sustainable Development Goal 2: zero hunger
Goal 2: zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal 12: responsible production and consumption
Goal 12: responsible production and consumption

These steps are required for effectiveness production of  sweet potato planting materials to enhance the availability and quality of planting material in rural communities.

  1. Tissue Culture Production: Public and private sector breeders produce tissue culture plantlets from improved sweet potato varieties within a laboratory.
  2. Cutting into Mother Plants: The tissue culture plantlets are then cut into more than 15 mother plants.
  3. Distribution to Community-Based Multipliers: Community-based multipliers obtain a small number of certified cuttings or seed potatoes from the breeders.
  4. Rooted Cutting and Vine Production: The multipliers use these certified cuttings or seed potatoes to grow rooted cuttings and vines.

Last updated on 22 May 2024