71 results

Rice-fish culture: Integrating rice and fish farming systems

Rice-Fish System Boosts Profits, Enhances Lowland Land Use for Food Security and Prosperity The rice-fish farming system emerged as a solution to address various agricultural challenges. It was developed to counter widespread food and nutrition insecurity, the vulnerability of smallholder rice farmers to market shocks due to a lack of diversification, and environmental pollution resulting from excessive agrochemical use. This innovative approach not only enhances food and nutrition security but also boosts smallholder farmers' income through the combined sale of rice and fish. Additionally, the system promotes environmental safety by eliminating the need for agrochemicals, contributing to sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Pre-validated 9•7 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

MoneyMaker Solar pumps: Mechanized irrigation pumps

Low-cost and fast irrigation technologies for smallholder farmers. MoneyMaker offers a range of irrigation pumps tailored for small plots in sub-Saharan Africa. MoneyMaker's irrigation solutions prioritize sustainable water management, employing smart technology for efficient resource use. Designed to enhance crop yield and profitability, these solutions offer real-time insights into soil moisture and precise water application, contributing to environmental conservation and farm productivity.

Pre-validated 8•7 3

MoneyMaker: Low-cost irrigation pumps

Low-cost irrigation technologies for increasing incomes for smallholder farmers. MoneyMaker's irrigation solutions prioritize sustainable water management, employing smart technology for efficient resource use. Designed to enhance crop yield and profitability, these solutions offer real-time insights into soil moisture and precise water application, contributing to environmental conservation and farm productivity.

Pre-validated 9•7 3 Cost: $$$

GrainMate: Grain Moisture Meter

Control the moisture content of grains and reduce post-harvest losses. The lack of precise moisture content measurement increases the risk of mold growth, insect infestation, and aflatoxin contamination during storage, resulting in significant losses for farmers and aggregators, up to 30% of the produced grains. In sub-Saharan Africa, farmers face challenges due to the unavailability and high cost of moisture meters. Consequently, they rely on traditional, subjective methods like biting and tossing kernels, which can lead to inaccurate measurements. Poultry farmers using high-moisture grains experience reduced egg productivity and increased bird mortality. The introduction of affordable and accessible grain moisture meter technology is crucial to address these issues and improve overall grain quality management.

Pre-validated 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Threshing Operations

Efficient Threshing for Productive Farms Mechanized Threshing Operations is a technology that efficiently separates seeds or grain from harvested plants. It addresses the labor-intensive process of manual threshing, particularly performed by women. Mechanized threshers use small petrol engines to process seeds and grain rapidly, offering a significant improvement in efficiency.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4

Advanced Weed Management: Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management

Weed Management for Optimal Yield The "Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management" technology is a game-changer for bean farmers, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. Weeds can cause major losses in bean crops, and this technology offers a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to manual weeding. By using herbicides and mechanical weeders, farmers can save time, increase their yield, and ultimately improve their income. This innovation is a powerful tool in ensuring food security and economic stability for bean farmers in various African countries.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 7 ROI: $$$

Low-Cost Staking for Climbing Beans

Empowering Beans, Sustaining Growth! The technology is a low-cost and sustainable solution for staking climbing beans, offering lower-cost, environmentally friendly alternatives, reducing the required number of stakes and addressing yield limitations associated with traditional staking methods.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$

Low-dose pest control: Seed dressing of Seed with Fungicide and Insecticide

Pest control for optimum yields The "Seed Dressing with Fungicide and Insecticide" technology is crucial in mitigating yield losses in common beans caused by fungal diseases like anthracnose and insect pests such as stem maggots in Africa. These issues significantly impact crop productivity and jeopardize the profitability of improved varieties and fertilizer inputs for farmers. The use of chemical control agents in seed dressing offers an affordable and eco-friendly approach to prevent losses and boost production. This method, utilizing minimal pesticides, facilitates better seedling emergence and enhances the crop's resistance throughout the growing season, thereby aiding in maintaining and improving common bean yields in the face of prevalent diseases and pests.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 6

TEGO: Drought tolerant and high yield maize varieties

Boost yields, and income with advanced maize. TEGO is an innovative agricultural solution designed to address the challenges of drought resilience and food security in maize cultivation. By integrating advanced breeding techniques, genetic traits for drought tolerance, and climate-smart agricultural practices, TEGO technology offers a comprehensive approach to improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. Key features include the development of maize hybrids with enhanced drought tolerance and high yield potential, promotion of sustainable farming practices to conserve natural resources and mitigate environmental degradation, and provision of training and extension services to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt to changing climatic conditions. TEGO technology represents a promising solution for enhancing resilience to drought and climate variability, thereby contributing to food security and livelihoods in agricultural communities worldwide.

Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 4 ROI: $$$

RiceAdvice digital support

Your Digital Guide to Better Harvests The "RiceAdvice" digital support tool addresses the challenge of limited access to tailored agronomic information for rice farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides field-specific guidelines for paddy production, offering recommendations on fertilizer use and weed management. This leads to higher rice grain yields and better returns on investments. The technology improves extension services, overcoming practical and financial barriers to sustainable farming practices.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Cut and Bury: Motorized weeders for rice production

Effortless Weed Control for Bountiful Harvests The technology of motorized weeders for rice production (cut and bury) addresses a significant challenge faced by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Traditional manual weed clearing is labor-intensive and costly, leading to substantial yield losses and economic impacts. The introduction of small-sized motorized weeding units has revolutionized weed control in rice paddies, reducing labor demands and costs, while increasing rice production and quality. This innovation offers a practical and cost-effective solution for smallholder farmers, contributing to improved food security and economic well-being in rural communities.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Herbicides Calculator

Reduce pesticide and herbicide losses with IITA's herbicide calculator Widespread abuse of pesticides (including herbicides) is common due to poorly calibrated spray tanks. Farmers overdose or underdose when applying pesticides. The IITA Herbicide Calculator helps farmers and spray service providers to correctly estimate the amount of herbicide to add to backpack sprayers, and promotes herbicide efficacy.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3

Engineered irrigation surfaces and water lifting

Optimize rice farming with precision-engineered surfaces and efficient water lifting for increased yields and resource conservation. Engineered Irrigation Surfaces and Water Lifting technologies play a pivotal role in optimizing rice farming. They ensure efficient water distribution, leading to resource conservation, improved crop production, and enhanced input efficiency. By leveling soil surfaces and utilizing innovative water lifting systems, these technologies revolutionize traditional farming practices.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$

ORYLUX varieties: Aromatic Rice for Africa

Local African aromatic rice The African Aromatic Rice technology helps African farmers grow special and tasty rice that people really like. This rice is in high demand, but not enough of it is grown in Africa right now. This means farmers can make more money, and Africa won't have to rely on importing this rice from other places. It's like a special secret that helps African farmers grow better rice and have a better income.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5 Cost: $$$

Equipment for feed production: Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production

Affordable animal feed for breeders The technology of "Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production" holds significant importance in Sub-Saharan Africa, where large quantities of cassava peels are generated as byproducts of cassava processing. These peels, if not properly managed, create environmental hazards through uncontrolled dumping and burning. However, their potential as a valuable resource for rearing livestock and fish remains largely untapped. Cassava peels have the potential to serve as an excellent source of feed and fiber for animals, but their utilization has been hindered by drying constraints, the risk of aflatoxin contamination, and poor storability when traditional methods are employed. The introduction of simple equipment to mechanize the conversion of cassava peels into animal feeds offers solutions to these challenges. This technology reduces labor costs, shortens drying times, and improves the shelf life of feed products. By effectively utilizing cassava peels as animal feed, smallholder farmers and agri-food manufacturers can enhance the value derived from their cassava crops and address the scarcity of nutritious animal feeds. Additionally, the mechanized processing of cassava peels into wet cakes and dry mashes presents opportunities for job creation and business development in rural areas of Africa. Overall, this technology not only mitigates environmental issues but also contributes to improving food security, livestock production, and economic prospects in the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5

High quality cassava flour and industrial starches

Extend Freshness, Expand Opportunities with Cassava Flour! The technology of producing High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) and industrial starches is of paramount importance. It addresses the critical issue of rapid spoilage and mold in fresh cassava roots due to their high water content, a significant challenge for farmers in storing or selling their produce. African communities have long relied on various processing methods to extend shelf life and eliminate toxic cyanide compounds. Traditional cassava flour production techniques do not offer substantial market opportunities for smallholder cassava farmers.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Premium: Disease resistant cassava varieties

Disease-Resistant Cassava Cuttings for Higher Yields Disease resistant cassava varieties plays a critical role in overcoming the challenges faced by cassava farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cassava, a vital food crop in the region, is frequently plagued by devastating viral diseases, such as cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease, which harm the leaves, reduce photosynthesis, and result in significant yield losses, sometimes leading to complete crop failure. In essence, disease resistant cassava varieties are instrumental in safeguarding cassava production, ensuring food security, and improving the livelihoods of farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. These varieties represent a sustainable and efficient approach to combat viral infections that threaten cassava crops, making them a vital technology for the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 4 Cost: $$$

Stepwise Climate Smart Investment Pathway

Accessible best agricultural practices for everyone The "Stepwise Approach" is a structured methodology developed by the IITA research team and its partners, particularly under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS). This approach is tailored to assist smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda in adopting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices. It functions by breaking down recommended, yet often unaffordable, best practices into smaller, more economically feasible packages that can be implemented gradually in phases. The Stepwise Approach takes into account specific agro-ecological variables and addresses the needs and aspirations of farmers to guide incremental investments in a systematic manner. It aims to inform and guide farmers on the most efficient investments required to enhance coffee yields, improve farmer livelihoods, and increase resilience to climate change effects. Additionally, it contributes to increasing awareness and knowledge about climate-smart agricultural practices among farmers and assists both the public and private sectors in effectively targeting extension support to smallholder coffee farmers.

Validated (TAAT1) 5•4 4

NERICA: New rice for Africa varieties

NERICA: Higher Yields, Resilience, and Profitability for African Farmers. NERICA varieties mark a pivotal shift in African agriculture. Bred by crossing native landraces with Asian rice, they deliver higher yields and robust resistance to pests and diseases compared to conventional varieties. Their innate resilience to nutrient and water limitations makes them a strategic asset for enhancing farmers' productivity and profitability while reducing reliance on staple food imports. With lowland NERICA tailored for valleys and floodplains with sporadic water stress, and upland NERICA ideal for hilltops and elevated plateaus facing more frequent challenges, this technology is reshaping farming landscapes across Sub-Saharan Africa. It empowers farmers with a reliable, high-yielding resource that not only boosts food security but also drives economic stability in the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

IR maize: Imazapyr resistant maize for Striga management

Boost maize yields while eliminating the issue of Striga infestation The technology of Imazapyr resistant maize for Striga management (IR maize) is of paramount significance in addressing the persistent challenge of Striga weed infestations in maize crops, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Commercial seed manufacturers are introducing improved maize varieties that have been genetically modified to resist imazapyr, an herbicide effective in safeguarding crops from parasitic Striga weeds. This technology is a game-changer for regions where Striga significantly impacts maize production.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$

Specialty blended fertilizers for root and tuber crops

Special fertilizer for root and tuber crops The technology "Specialty Blended Fertilizers for Root and Tuber Crops", plays a pivotal role in enhancing the growth, productivity, and resilience of tuber and root crops like sweetpotato and cassava. These specially designed fertilizers provide a balanced mix of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur, addressing deficiencies commonly found in soils across Sub-Saharan Africa. By applying the right nutrient blends at the appropriate time and location, these fertilizers significantly improve tuber quality, crop yield, and the plants' ability to withstand drought, pests, and diseases.

Validated (TAAT1) 6•6 1

Silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers

Fodder Enrichment for Thriving Livestock The technology of silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture by converting leftover plant material into high-quality animal fodder. It addresses the challenges of resource wastage under unfavorable environmental conditions and contributes to bridging gaps in animal feed availability for farmers. Silage enhances feed digestibility, preserves essential nutrients, and significantly benefits the growth and well-being of ruminants and pigs, making it a valuable asset in modern agriculture.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 2

Drought and Virus Tolerant Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato

Resilient and Nutrient-Rich OFSP for Better Agriculture The technology of "Drought and Virus Tolerant Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato" holds paramount significance in Sub-Saharan Africa. It addresses critical agricultural challenges by providing cultivars of orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) tailored to combat drought, heat stress, and viral infections. These specially bred OFSP varieties offer rapid harvest maturity, completing their growth cycle within 90 days, which is particularly beneficial in regions with uncertain rainfall patterns towards the end of the growing season. Furthermore, the introduction of OFSP varieties resistant to a range of viruses and destructive insects has significantly bolstered crop resilience. This technology not only enhances food security but also contributes to economic sustainability for communities in the region.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Pneumatic Cassava Dryers

Low-cost mechanized drying of cassava using Flash Dryers The technology of "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" holds paramount importance in the cassava processing chain. Specifically designed for transforming cassava mash into floury or powdery products, flash dryers stand out for their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and wide application for solids with low moisture content. Their suitability for producing starch, high-quality cassava flour (HQCF), and powdered fufu has been notably recognized. Flash dryers have been instrumental in revolutionizing cassava processing. They were first successfully tested in the year 2000 by IITA in collaboration with Femtex Starch factory in Lagos, demonstrating promising results. Subsequently, technical support was extended to equipment fabricators in Nigeria, leading to widespread fabrication and utilization of flash dryers for producing HQCF from cassava. Since 2004, the commercial fabrication and installation of flash dryers have expanded not only in Nigeria but also in several other African countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zambia. These dryers have been widely adopted and implemented by various projects, government institutions, and private sectors, signifying their pivotal role in enhancing cassava processing for higher value-added products.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

Waxing of fresh cassava roots to extend the shelf-life and increase marketability

Extend shelf-life of fresh cassava The technology of waxing fresh cassava roots is a solution designed to address the challenges of rapid deterioration and limited shelf-life of cassava post-harvest. By applying a protective wax layer, it preserves the freshness of the roots and extends their shelf-life from two days to about 14 days or more. This not only enhances the marketability of the roots by protecting them from physical damages but also contributes to food security by ensuring their availability for a longer period. The wax used is safe and approved, ensuring the eating quality and safety of the cassava roots are not compromised.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2