2 results
Enhance meat quality while prioritizing animal welfare. Humane Slaughtering and Meat Inspection ensures animals are slaughtered without pain or distress, improving meat quality and consumer health. It addresses the ethical treatment of animals in the meat processing industry.
Fast Feed, Fast Fatten, Fast Fortune: The Future of Livestock Farming! Goat and sheep fattening is a livestock management strategy emphasizing intensive feeding for quick growth and fat deposition, maximizing value within a short timeframe and minimal space. It offers a business opportunity with moderate investment, low labor, and minimal risks. The process involves purchasing young adults, restricting movement, and providing a concentrated diet, resulting in visible fattening and quick profits within three months. Breed selection, castration for males, and addressing health issues are crucial. Despite similarities to "Cut-and-Carry" systems, distinctions exist, making this approach a viable option for peri-urban dwellers in small ruminant value chains.