Rice Technologies Toolkit

This toolkit is a collection of technologies designed to optimize rice cultivation in Africa. These technologies have been carefully selected to address the challenges faced during rice production and transformation, ensuring a more resilient and profitable rice sector. By integrating these technologies into your projects or business plan, you can maximize your yields while minimizing environmental impacts and drudgery. For each technology in the toolkit it is possible to obtain technical support to ensure effective and sustainable implementation.

17 results

RiceAdvice Lite: Digital Advisory for Rice

Empowering Rice Farmers with RiceAdvice Lite Accessing information about the most effective agronomic and management practices for rice cultivation remains a challenge for millions of farmers in remote areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) due to limited communication resources and low literacy rates. Additionally, issues like fertilizer misapplication and suboptimal rice management contribute to decreased productivity and sustainability, posing risks to food security for millions of people. To address these challenges and improve information dissemination to rice-growing communities throughout SSA, the "RiceAdvice Lite" technology offers tailored recommendations for optimal sowing timing, fertilizer usage, and other essential agricultural practices for both irrigated and rainfed lowland rice cultivation.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 2

AKILIMO: Digital Decision Support Tool

We know cassava The AKILIMO application offers personalized agronomic advice for cassava farmers, aiding in decisions related to land preparation, planting and harvesting schedules, fertilizer use, and intercropping. It predicts yields and provides tailored recommendations to maximize profits. Utilizing decision trees and algorithms based on field trials and modeling, it's accessible as a printable guide, smartphone app, interactive voice response system, and chatbot. Currently available in southern Nigeria and Tanzania, it caters to users of all literacy levels through various formats, including paper-based tools and a smartphone app downloadable from the Google Play Store.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 2 ROI: $$$

Rice-fish culture: Integrating rice and fish farming systems

Rice-Fish System Boosts Profits, Enhances Lowland Land Use for Food Security and Prosperity The rice-fish farming system emerged as a solution to address various agricultural challenges. It was developed to counter widespread food and nutrition insecurity, the vulnerability of smallholder rice farmers to market shocks due to a lack of diversification, and environmental pollution resulting from excessive agrochemical use. This innovative approach not only enhances food and nutrition security but also boosts smallholder farmers' income through the combined sale of rice and fish. Additionally, the system promotes environmental safety by eliminating the need for agrochemicals, contributing to sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 2

Rice Swarna 2

Unleashing Prosperity with Resilient Rice - Medium Cycle, Maximum Yield, Unmatched Quality The Rice Swarna 2 technology emerges as an innovative solution to critical challenges in rice cultivation. Developed in response to the increasing demand for high-yield, high-quality rice, this revolutionary variety addresses traditional issues such as low yields, insufficient milling rates, and susceptibility to diseases like Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) and blast disease. With yields reaching up to 10 tons per hectare, a milling rate exceeding 70%, and enhanced disease resistance, Rice Swarna 2 signifies a significant breakthrough. It provides farmers with a cost-effective and sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for superior-quality rice.

Government Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$

RiceAdvice digital support

Your Digital Guide to Better Harvests The "RiceAdvice" digital support tool addresses the challenge of limited access to tailored agronomic information for rice farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides field-specific guidelines for paddy production, offering recommendations on fertilizer use and weed management. This leads to higher rice grain yields and better returns on investments. The technology improves extension services, overcoming practical and financial barriers to sustainable farming practices.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Cut and Bury: Motorized weeders for rice production

Effortless Weed Control for Bountiful Harvests The technology of motorized weeders for rice production (cut and bury) addresses a significant challenge faced by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Traditional manual weed clearing is labor-intensive and costly, leading to substantial yield losses and economic impacts. The introduction of small-sized motorized weeding units has revolutionized weed control in rice paddies, reducing labor demands and costs, while increasing rice production and quality. This innovation offers a practical and cost-effective solution for smallholder farmers, contributing to improved food security and economic well-being in rural communities.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Herbicides Calculator

Reduce pesticide and herbicide losses with IITA's herbicide calculator Widespread abuse of pesticides (including herbicides) is common due to poorly calibrated spray tanks. Farmers overdose or underdose when applying pesticides. The IITA Herbicide Calculator helps farmers and spray service providers to correctly estimate the amount of herbicide to add to backpack sprayers, and promotes herbicide efficacy.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3

Precision Rice Irrigation and Surface Leveling

Level Up Rice Yields with Precision Irrigation and Resource Conservation Precision Rice Irrigation and Surface Leveling technologies play a pivotal role in optimizing rice farming. They ensure efficient water distribution, leading to resource conservation, improved crop production, and enhanced input efficiency. By leveling soil surfaces and utilizing innovative water lifting systems, these technologies revolutionize traditional farming practices.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$

ORYLUX varieties: Aromatic Rice for Africa

Local African aromatic rice The African Aromatic Rice technology helps African farmers grow special and tasty rice that people really like. This rice is in high demand, but not enough of it is grown in Africa right now. This means farmers can make more money, and Africa won't have to rely on importing this rice from other places. It's like a special secret that helps African farmers grow better rice and have a better income.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 5 Cost: $$$

NERICA: New rice for Africa varieties

NERICA: Higher Yields, Resilience, and Profitability for African Farmers. NERICA varieties mark a pivotal shift in African agriculture. Bred by crossing native landraces with Asian rice, they deliver higher yields and robust resistance to pests and diseases compared to conventional varieties. Their innate resilience to nutrient and water limitations makes them a strategic asset for enhancing farmers' productivity and profitability while reducing reliance on staple food imports. With lowland NERICA tailored for valleys and floodplains with sporadic water stress, and upland NERICA ideal for hilltops and elevated plateaus facing more frequent challenges, this technology is reshaping farming landscapes across Sub-Saharan Africa. It empowers farmers with a reliable, high-yielding resource that not only boosts food security but also drives economic stability in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Rice Threshing and Polishing Machines: Axial flow thresher and improved quality polishing

Efficient rice threshing and polishing for premium quality grains, boosting income and market access in african communities. This technology greatly improves rice processing in Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses advanced machines like motorized threshers and polishers to replace manual methods. These machines can be easily moved near the fields, reducing transportation costs and increasing processing capacity. They work precisely, getting more rice without damage. This raises the quality and value of the rice, benefiting both small and large-scale farmers. Additionally, using these machines creates job opportunities. This represents a significant step towards modernizing rice processing and improving livelihoods for farmers in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$

PICS: Hermetic Bags for Safe Storage of grain

Low cost storage technologies for grain Large post-harvest losses of bean occurs across Sub-Sahara Africa because of improper storage techniques resulting in pest infestation that threatens the food security and livelihoods of farmers. As a result, farmers may opt to sell their produce immediately after harvest when market prices are at their lowest as a risk avoidance strategy. Grain storage pests such as weevils (bruchids) can be controlled by physical, chemical and biological methods. Some of the physical methods include use of hermitic storage bags and containers. The hermetic storage technology for grains avoids grain damage using sealed bags that prevents movement of air and moisture. The bags preserve the quality of grains and obstruct the entry of insects and microbial organisms through depletion of oxygen levels and accumulation of carbon dioxide. These conditions prevent damage by insects like weevils, moths and mites, curb development of fungi like aflatoxin that contaminate the grain, and maintain the taste and color characteristics of food. Hermitic bags allow for storage of grain without the need to apply chemicals.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

GEM: Parboiling and flour production equipment for rice

Reduce milling losses, enhance nutritional and organoleptic quality Parboiling is a process whereby rough rice is steeped in cold or warm water, heated with steam under pressure or in boiling water to gelatinize starch with minimum grain swelling, followed by slow drying. The nutritional, flavor and textural characteristics of parboiled rice are better than non-parboiled counterparts and can match the quality of imported rice making it more appealing to consumers. Traditionally, parboiling is carried out in a cast iron drum with a false bottom for soaking and steaming that is placed on a three-stone fire, which is severely expose processors to air pollution from emissions of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5). These easy-to-build systems are highly suitable for small to medium scale processors in rice growing areas of Sub-Saharan Africa that have poor energy and market infrastructures.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Foliar micronutrient addition for healthier rice

Targeted nutrients for stronger crops and richer grain Foliar micronutrient addition involves spraying rice crops with liquid fertilizers containing essential elements like magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese, and boron. These micronutrients are often deficient in Sub-Saharan African soils, affecting rice yields and nutritional value. Applying micronutrients directly onto rice leaves and stems is a cost-effective solution that enhances crop health, increases grain production, and boosts nutritional content. The method is easy to adopt, does not require significant infrastructure, and can be tailored to specific soil deficiencies.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Urea deep placement: Nitrogen management for Efficient Rice Fertilization

Boost rice yields and save on fertilizer costs through efficient nitrogen management The technology of Deep Urea Placement offers a significant solution to the challenges of nitrogen fertilizer application in Sub-Saharan Africa's rice paddies. By drilling large urea granules or briquettes into the soil, it allows for a slow release of nitrogen into the root zone of rice crops, improving nutrient uptake, soil fertility, and crop productivity. This approach not only enhances grain yield and quality but also leads to cost savings, additional income for farmers, reduced environmental nitrogen losses, and ultimately contributes to food security and reduced dependence on food imports.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

ARICA: Advanced rice varieties for Africa

Arica rice, the high yield, disease and stress tolerant rice A new generation of high-performing and locally adapted hybrid rice cultivars has been launched since 2013 through breeding programs in Sub-Saharan Africa, which are known as ARICA varieties. This brand of improved germplasm is the successor to NERICA varieties and provides opportunities to rice farmers and traders on the continent because these new varieties are well adapted to the growing environments and have better grain quality preferred by the local market. ARICA varieties are developed and certified through processes establish by a joint breeding task force which ensures strict quality assurance. Genetically, ARICA varieties are not restricted to interspecific crosses, so any line that shows promise regardless of its origin can be picked up line as long as its performance is convincing. Breeders’ assessments of new lines are backed by field data collected over a number of years. The hybrid rice varieties that were released across Sub-Saharan Africa have proven to be an avenue for boosting the levels of rice productivity and profitability at the base of this major food staple value chain.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 6 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$