3 results

KABANA 6H/NARITA7 hybrid: High yielding and disease tolerant banana

long lasting banana nicknamed 'kiwangazi' by farmers. The KABANA 6H/NARITA7 is a high-yielding banana hybrid developed by IITA and NARO. It’s known for its tolerance to diseases like black Sigatoka and pests like weevils and nematodes, which increases the longevity of banana plantations. With a real-life yield of 57.7 kg per bunch and a potential yield of 60 tons/ha/year, it offers significant economic return. This variety was introduced to combat the decreased lifespan and yield decline in Uganda’s banana plantations.

Pre-validated 9•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Multifunctional biopesticide: Ecopticide Agri

Ecopticide Agri, your 3-in-1 bio product against insect, fungi and nematode Ecopticide Agri emerged as a groundbreaking environmental solution designed to combat the escalating challenges faced by farmers in pest management. Conventional approaches led to harvest losses, reduced production yield, and environmental concerns such as soil depletion and biodiversity loss. Pests developed resistance to existing control products, rendering them less effective. In response, Ecopticide Agri was developed to provide a multifunctional, preventive solution, reducing the risk of pest invasions and enhancing crop protection.

Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Integrated Management of Insects, Diseases and Weeds in Wheat

Balanced Protection for Sustainable Harvests Integrated Management of Insects, Diseases, and Weeds in Wheat (IPM) is an approach designed to minimize the use of chemical pesticides while maximizing natural control mechanisms for pests. It involves a combination of biological, mechanical/physical, and cultural techniques tailored to local conditions. IPM is crucial in preventing the emergence of pesticide-resistant pests, ensuring lasting crop protection, and maintaining food safety and environmental integrity.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2