134 results

BSFF: Organic fertilizer for soil improvement

Low cost fertilizer for healthy and profitable agriculture for African farmers. In Sub-Saharan Africa, farmers face significant challenges such as declining soil fertility, limited access to quality fertilizers, and the high cost of agricultural inputs, all of which affect crop yields and food security. The BSFF technology presents a promising solution to these challenges. It contains high levels of essential nutrients like nitrogen (1.7–1.9%), phosphorus (1.0–2.5%), potassium, and various micronutrients that significantly improve soil fertility. This technology can help farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa increase productivity, improve food security, and promote environmentally sustainable agriculture.

Pre-validated 8•7 4 Cost: $$$

EcoCycle Larvae System: Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) proteins for low cost Fish feeds

BSFL proteins for sustainable local fish and chicken feed production A major challenge for fish and chicken farming in sub-Saharan Africa is the lack of a consistent and reliable supply of feed throughout the year. The rising cost of feed, which makes up 60-70% of total production expenses, adds to this problem. At the same time, about 30-40% of food produced today is lost or wasted, leading to large amounts of organic waste and animal manure that harm the environment if not properly managed. The traditional way of producing and consuming goods also creates issues for the economy, ecosystems, and society. To address these challenges, Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae composting offers a smart solution. This technology tackles two key problems: managing organic waste and reducing the high cost of animal feed in the region. BSF larvae turn organic waste into valuable protein feed for animals and nutrient-rich fertilizer, cutting down on waste sent to landfills and reducing environmental harm. The larvae are highly efficient at transforming organic by-products into protein-rich feed, providing a more sustainable option for fish and chicken farming. By reusing agricultural waste, BSF technology supports a circular economy that benefits both the environment and the economy.

Pre-validated 8•9 6

ZECC: Zero Energy Cooling Chamber for Vegetables

Cut Post-Harvest Losses for Vegetables The Zero Energy Cooling Chamber (ZECC) is an eco-friendly, electricity-free storage system that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by several days. It operates through evaporative cooling, making it ideal for rural areas. ZECC helps reduce post-harvest losses, increases the availability of nutrient-dense foods, and provides an affordable cooling solution for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•8 4 Cost: $$$

Biochar: Biomass Charcoal for Soil improvement

Biochar, a powerfully circular way to fight climate change Energy access is a complex issue for the African continent, where 70% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa depends on biomass for energy. This means most people burn firewood, charcoal, agricultural residues, and animal dung for cooking and other daily activities. While bioenergy is renewable, its overuse can cause deforestation and soil erosion. The lack of a secure and sustainable energy supply is connected to Africa’s food security and climate change challenges. Biochar is being promoted as a solution that can address all three challenges by enhancing soil fertility and sequestering carbon.

Pre-validated 8•7 4

Kichawi Kill: Striga Bioherbicide

Mitigating Africa’s worst pest threat to food security by revolutionizing crop protection with a biological and sustainable weed control alternative. The Toothpick Project introduces an innovative biocontrol technology utilizing a specific strain of host-specific fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae, to combat Striga (witchweed), Africa's most severe pest threatening food security. Approximately 50 million hectares of croplands (around 40 million farms) in sub-Saharan Africa are infested with Striga, causing over $9 billion in crop losses annually. Striga plants produce over 50,000 seeds per season, easily spreading through wind, human and animal traffic, and farming tools, adding to the soil seed bank. This selective biological herbicide “Kichawi Kill”, applied by farmers as a seed coating, aims to restore crop yields by targeting Striga without harming maize. This game-changing agri-tech provides a safe, effective, and affordable alternative to traditional chemical herbicides.

Pre-validated 9•8 7 ROI: $$$

KABANA 6H/NARITA7 hybrid: High yielding and disease tolerant banana

long lasting banana nicknamed 'kiwangazi' by farmers. The KABANA 6H/NARITA7 is a high-yielding banana hybrid developed by IITA and NARO. It’s known for its tolerance to diseases like black Sigatoka and pests like weevils and nematodes, which increases the longevity of banana plantations. With a real-life yield of 57.7 kg per bunch and a potential yield of 60 tons/ha/year, it offers significant economic return. This variety was introduced to combat the decreased lifespan and yield decline in Uganda’s banana plantations.

Pre-validated 9•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

NextGen Advisory: Digital Advisory tool for Farmers

Empowering Farmers with Digital Guidance The NextGen Advisory is an online advisory tool, a comprehensive decision support system designed to provide site-specific fertilizer recommendations for key crops in Ethiopia, such as maize, teff, and wheat. It integrates hyper-localized data and tailored approaches to address specific household needs under the integrated soil fertility management plus (ISFM+) framework. Additionally, the tool offers crucial climate information services to guide farmers on optimal planting dates and fertilizer application timings. By leveraging various technologies and machine learning algorithms, this tool aims to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability by delivering precise, actionable advisories directly to farmers.

Pre-validated 8•7 4

RiceAdvice Lite: Digital Advisory for Rice

Empowering Rice Farmers with RiceAdvice Lite Accessing information about the most effective agronomic and management practices for rice cultivation remains a challenge for millions of farmers in remote areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) due to limited communication resources and low literacy rates. Additionally, issues like fertilizer misapplication and suboptimal rice management contribute to decreased productivity and sustainability, posing risks to food security for millions of people. To address these challenges and improve information dissemination to rice-growing communities throughout SSA, the "RiceAdvice Lite" technology offers tailored recommendations for optimal sowing timing, fertilizer usage, and other essential agricultural practices for both irrigated and rainfed lowland rice cultivation.

Pre-validated 8•7 2

GeoAgro - MiSR -: Yield Gap Analysis Tool

GeoAgro-MiSR is a tech tool that uses satellite data to help farmers manage water and fertilizer use for crops like wheat, barley, maize, and potato. It addresses the problem of inefficient resource use, aiming to improve crop yields, reduce input costs, and minimize environmental pollution from overuse of nitrates. The tool offers a free app for farmers to analyze field data and make smart farming decisions. This leads to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.

Pre-validated 8•7 8

AKILIMO: Digital Decision Support Tool

We know cassava The AKILIMO application offers personalized agronomic advice for cassava farmers, aiding in decisions related to land preparation, planting and harvesting schedules, fertilizer use, and intercropping. It predicts yields and provides tailored recommendations to maximize profits. Utilizing decision trees and algorithms based on field trials and modeling, it's accessible as a printable guide, smartphone app, interactive voice response system, and chatbot. Currently available in southern Nigeria and Tanzania, it caters to users of all literacy levels through various formats, including paper-based tools and a smartphone app downloadable from the Google Play Store.

Pre-validated 8•7 2 ROI: $$$

Cage Systems for Fish farming

Cage Culture: Dive Deep for a Sustainable Leap! Cage Systems for Fish Culturing is a method of aquaculture where fish are grown in floating cages in water bodies like lakes or rivers. The cages protect the fish, allow for controlled feeding, and make it easy to harvest the fish when they're ready. This technology is a cost-effective way to grow fish in a natural, safe, and controlled environment.

Pre-validated 8•8 2

ABC Grower: Biomineralization of weeds for soil improvement

Solar-Powered, Cost-Effective, and Ecologically Smart BioFertilizer for Thriving Crops and Sustainable Agriculture To address challenges like climate-induced land degradation and the limited adoption of traditional composting, ABC Grower emerges as an innovative solution. With efficient and cost-effective fertilization, precise formulation for improved efficiency, solar-powered production, and economic valorization of weeds, ABC Grower aligns with the agroecological transition in West Africa, offering a sustainable response to evolving agricultural needs.

Pre-validated 9•8 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Rice-fish culture: Integrating rice and fish farming systems

Rice-Fish System Boosts Profits, Enhances Lowland Land Use for Food Security and Prosperity The rice-fish farming system emerged as a solution to address various agricultural challenges. It was developed to counter widespread food and nutrition insecurity, the vulnerability of smallholder rice farmers to market shocks due to a lack of diversification, and environmental pollution resulting from excessive agrochemical use. This innovative approach not only enhances food and nutrition security but also boosts smallholder farmers' income through the combined sale of rice and fish. Additionally, the system promotes environmental safety by eliminating the need for agrochemicals, contributing to sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Pre-validated 9•7 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Multifunctional biopesticide: Ecopticide Agri

Ecopticide Agri, your 3-in-1 bio product against insect, fungi and nematode Ecopticide Agri emerged as a groundbreaking environmental solution designed to combat the escalating challenges faced by farmers in pest management. Conventional approaches led to harvest losses, reduced production yield, and environmental concerns such as soil depletion and biodiversity loss. Pests developed resistance to existing control products, rendering them less effective. In response, Ecopticide Agri was developed to provide a multifunctional, preventive solution, reducing the risk of pest invasions and enhancing crop protection.

Pre-validated 9•9 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Pre-validated 9•7 2

MoneyMaker Solar pumps: Mechanized irrigation pumps

Low-cost and fast irrigation technologies for smallholder farmers. MoneyMaker offers a range of irrigation pumps tailored for small plots in sub-Saharan Africa. MoneyMaker's irrigation solutions prioritize sustainable water management, employing smart technology for efficient resource use. Designed to enhance crop yield and profitability, these solutions offer real-time insights into soil moisture and precise water application, contributing to environmental conservation and farm productivity.

Pre-validated 8•7 3

KABAMANOJ F1: Orange maize hybrid

Unleashing the Power of High-Yielding Orange Maize Across Africa! The new maize variety, born out of agricultural innovation, has been developed to address specific challenges faced in maize cultivation in Africa. Engineered with features such as early maturity, increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and adaptation to the African climate, this variety aims to enhance maize yields and production sustainability. By incorporating modern farming practices, it provides a promising solution to improve food security in the region and promote agriculture resilient to environmental changes.

Pre-validated 9•9 2 Cost: $$$

MoneyMaker: Low-cost irrigation pumps

Low-cost irrigation technologies for increasing incomes for smallholder farmers. MoneyMaker's irrigation solutions prioritize sustainable water management, employing smart technology for efficient resource use. Designed to enhance crop yield and profitability, these solutions offer real-time insights into soil moisture and precise water application, contributing to environmental conservation and farm productivity.

Pre-validated 9•7 3 Cost: $$$

Turbocrop: Field crop plant establishment biostimulant

Specialized biostimulant for root development and vegetative growth on field crops Turbocrop stands as a specialized biostimulant, strategically crafted to elevate root development and stimulate vegetative growth across crops. The formulation is tailored to fortify plants against abiotic stressors, encompassing extreme temperatures, drought conditions, and nutrient deficiencies. Its multifaceted benefits include enhanced root architecture, optimized nutrient utilization, and holistic support for robust plant growth, ultimately contributing to improved crop resilience and productivity.

Pre-validated 9•9 5 Cost: $$$

PAC 501: High yielding white grain sorghum hybrid

Unleash Prosperity with Our Drought-Tolerant White Grain Sorghum Hybrid This groundbreaking technology in high-yielding white grain sorghum hybrids represents an innovative response to critical challenges in sorghum cultivation. Developed in the context of a growing need for high-quality, abundant sorghum production, this exceptional variety delivers significantly increased yields compared to traditional methods. Its advantage lies not only in its capacity to produce more but also in its adaptability to changing environmental conditions, including enhanced resistance to water stress. This technology redefines the standard for sorghum cultivation by providing a versatile and reliable solution for farmers, ensuring plentiful and quality harvests across diverse climatic contexts.

Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Rice Swarna 2

Unleashing Prosperity with Resilient Rice - Medium Cycle, Maximum Yield, Unmatched Quality The Rice Swarna 2 technology emerges as an innovative solution to critical challenges in rice cultivation. Developed in response to the increasing demand for high-yield, high-quality rice, this revolutionary variety addresses traditional issues such as low yields, insufficient milling rates, and susceptibility to diseases like Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) and blast disease. With yields reaching up to 10 tons per hectare, a milling rate exceeding 70%, and enhanced disease resistance, Rice Swarna 2 signifies a significant breakthrough. It provides farmers with a cost-effective and sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for superior-quality rice.

Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$

GrainMate: Grain Moisture Meter

Control the moisture content of grains and reduce post-harvest losses. The lack of precise moisture content measurement increases the risk of mold growth, insect infestation, and aflatoxin contamination during storage, resulting in significant losses for farmers and aggregators, up to 30% of the produced grains. In sub-Saharan Africa, farmers face challenges due to the unavailability and high cost of moisture meters. Consequently, they rely on traditional, subjective methods like biting and tossing kernels, which can lead to inaccurate measurements. Poultry farmers using high-moisture grains experience reduced egg productivity and increased bird mortality. The introduction of affordable and accessible grain moisture meter technology is crucial to address these issues and improve overall grain quality management.

Pre-validated 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

PAC 740: Orange maize hybrid

High yielding orange maize hybrid, medium maturity with high field tolerance to drought The Orange maize hybrid technology is an improved variety of maize offering high yields of up to 10 tons per hectare. It stands out for its tolerance to foliar diseases, especially blight, and its drought resistance. This hybrid variety has the potential for double yields compared to an Open-Pollinated Variety (OPV), providing farmers with a significantly higher return on investment. It addresses challenges such as low yields, the dual-purpose option for grain and fodder, and moisture stress.

Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$

Soybean inoculant: Rhyzobium inoculant range, various strains

N-fixing bacteria to reduce chemical fertilizer use Stimuplant is an inoculant designed for diverse legume crops, leveraging a symbiotic association with Rhizobia bacteria. This unique collaboration enhances nitrogen levels in the soil, contributing 40 to 150 kg per hectare. Certified with CERES organic certification, Stimuplant ensures sustainable and organic farming practices. The innovative UPL powder carrier technology shields bacteria from harsh environmental conditions, providing extended shelf life (9 months) and offering practical packaging tailored for smallholder farmers. This multifaceted solution addresses nitrogen scarcity, promotes organic certification, and enhances the accessibility of inoculants for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Threshing Operations

Efficient Threshing for Productive Farms Mechanized Threshing Operations is a technology that efficiently separates seeds or grain from harvested plants. It addresses the labor-intensive process of manual threshing, particularly performed by women. Mechanized threshers use small petrol engines to process seeds and grain rapidly, offering a significant improvement in efficiency.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4