2 results

GIFT "Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia": All Male Tilapia Fingerlings with Greater Yield and Uniformity

Greater yield and uniformity in tilapia farming This practice focuses on cultivating all-male tilapia fingerlings, which are more profitable due to their accelerated growth rate and higher conversion of feed to flesh. This technology is crucial for aquaculture in African countries, offering benefits such as improved growth, higher yields, disease resistance, and adaptability to various environmental conditions.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

ARICA: Advanced rice varieties for Africa

Arica rice, the high yield, disease and stress tolerant rice A new generation of high-performing and locally adapted hybrid rice cultivars has been launched since 2013 through breeding programs in Sub-Saharan Africa, which are known as ARICA varieties. This brand of improved germplasm is the successor to NERICA varieties and provides opportunities to rice farmers and traders on the continent because these new varieties are well adapted to the growing environments and have better grain quality preferred by the local market. ARICA varieties are developed and certified through processes establish by a joint breeding task force which ensures strict quality assurance. Genetically, ARICA varieties are not restricted to interspecific crosses, so any line that shows promise regardless of its origin can be picked up line as long as its performance is convincing. Breeders’ assessments of new lines are backed by field data collected over a number of years. The hybrid rice varieties that were released across Sub-Saharan Africa have proven to be an avenue for boosting the levels of rice productivity and profitability at the base of this major food staple value chain.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 6 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$