2 results

EcoCycle Larvae System: Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) proteins for low cost animal feeds

BSFL proteins for sustainable local fish and chicken feed production A major challenge for fish and chicken farming in sub-Saharan Africa is the lack of a consistent and reliable supply of feed throughout the year. The rising cost of feed, which makes up 60-70% of total production expenses, adds to this problem. At the same time, about 30-40% of food produced today is lost or wasted, leading to large amounts of organic waste and animal manure that harm the environment if not properly managed. The traditional way of producing and consuming goods also creates issues for the economy, ecosystems, and society. To address these challenges, Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae composting offers a smart solution. This technology tackles two key problems: managing organic waste and reducing the high cost of animal feed in the region. BSF larvae turn organic waste into valuable protein feed for animals and nutrient-rich fertilizer, cutting down on waste sent to landfills and reducing environmental harm. The larvae are highly efficient at transforming organic by-products into protein-rich feed, providing a more sustainable option for fish and chicken farming. By reusing agricultural waste, BSF technology supports a circular economy that benefits both the environment and the economy.

Pre-validated 8•9 6

Processing and Application of Composted Manures

Turning Waste into Wealth for Greener Fields The processing and application of composted manures play a crucial role in enhancing agricultural practices. Goat and sheep manure, in particular, offer valuable benefits due to their nutrient-rich and naturally pelleted form. Composting this manure not only deactivates potential hazards like pathogens and weed seeds but also produces organic fertilizers, contributing to sustainable and productive farming while minimizing environmental risks.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$