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Specialty Fertilizers and Local Blending for Banana and Plantain

Fertilize for Success: Banana & Plantain Boost

The technology of Specialty Fertilizers and Local Blending for Banana and Plantain is a solution designed to enhance crop yield in Sub-Saharan Africa. It involves the creation of specialty fertilizer blends using single nutrient fertilizers readily available in the region. These blends are tailored to the soil fertility status and crop requirements, providing a balanced nutrient supply for banana and plantain crops. The technology offers flexibility to adapt fertilizer formulations based on soil characteristics and production objectives. It promotes stem growth, flowering, bunch filling, photosynthesis, transpiration, and nutrient and water uptake from soils. The use of these specialty fertilizers has shown to increase productivity, nutritional value, and resilience to drought and pests, providing greater returns on input investments.

This technology is TAAT1 validated.


Scaling readiness: idea maturity 8/9; level of use 9/9

6 ton/ha

yield increase


Open source / open access


  • Nutrient Deficiency & High Input Costs: Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa often lack nutrients, leading to poor crop growth and high input costs for fertilizers and other farming essentials.
  • Environmental Stresses: Banana and plantain crops are vulnerable to environmental stresses such as drought, pests, and diseases, especially in monoculture plantations where only one type of crop is grown.
  • Climate Change: The increasing incidence of drought due to climate change poses significant challenges to maintaining crop health and productivity, especially in the tropics and subtropics.


  • Balanced Nutrient Supply & Cost Efficiency: The technology provides a balanced supply of essential nutrients, improving crop growth, increasing yields, and enhancing nutritional content. It uses readily accessible single nutrient fertilizers, reducing input costs and increasing return on investment.

  • Strengthened Crop Resilience: By providing necessary nutrients, the technology strengthens the resilience of banana and plantain crops to environmental stresses such as drought and pests, and promotes uniform ripening of fruit.

  • Adaptability to Climate Change: While the technology does not directly address climate change, it helps crops better withstand the impacts of climate change by strengthening their resilience and equipping them with necessary nutrients.

Key points to design your business plan


  • Establish a manufacturing unit with blending and quality control capabilities.
  • Hire qualified personnel for production, quality control, and marketing.
  • Obtain necessary licenses and certifications.
  • Conduct market research to assess demand for banana and plantain fertilizers in Africa. Develop a production plan considering raw material availability, blending ratios, and target markets. Formulate a pricing strategy considering production costs, market competition, and farmer affordability.
  • Secure reliable sources for raw materials like potash, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Establish efficient transportation networks to deliver finished products to resellers across Africa. Partner with storage facilities to ensure proper product handling and availability.
  • Collaborate with research institutions like IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) for technical expertise on fertilizer formulations specific to African soils and banana and plantain crops. Partner with agricultural extension services to educate farmers on the benefits of these fertilizers. Consider partnering with NGOs or government initiatives promoting improved agricultural practices.
  • Factor in costs for setting up the manufacturing unit, equipment, raw materials, labor, transportation, storage, and marketing. Research and include potential government subsidies or tax breaks for fertilizer production in Africa.


  • Establish a distribution network reaching farmers in your target region.
  • Train sales staff on the benefits and proper use of specialty blended fertilizers.
  • Develop a sales and marketing strategy targeting banana and plantain farmers.
  • Partner with agricultural associations or cooperatives to reach a wider audience.
  • Consider offering additional services like soil testing or crop advisory services.
  • Secure storage space for fertilizers received from the manufacturer.
  • Establish an efficient delivery system to reach farmers in your region.
  • Partner with local farm input retailers to expand your reach.
  • Collaborate with extension services or NGOs to conduct farmer training programs on the use of these fertilizers.
  • Consider costs for storage, transportation, marketing, staff training, and potential value-added services.

User Farmers (Banana and Plantain Growers):

  • Learn about the benefits of specialty blended fertilizers for banana and plantain crops compared to traditional options.
  • Assess your soil fertility through testing services offered by extension agents or NGOs.
  • Develop a cropping plan considering the specific fertilizer recommendations for your crops and soil type.
  • Factor in the cost of purchasing the fertilizer and any additional application costs (labor, equipment).
  • Partner with extension services, retailers, cooperatives, and even manufacturers to access expertise, resources, and potentially lower costs for using specialty blended fertilizers.

Additional Considerations:

  • Government regulations: Research and comply with any regulations regarding fertilizer production, distribution, and use in your country.
  • Environmental impact: Be mindful of the environmental impact of fertilizer production and usage. Look for ways to minimize waste and promote sustainable practices.

Adults 18 and over: Positive high

The poor: Positive high

Under 18: Positive high

Women: Positive medium

Climate adaptability: Highly adaptable

Farmer climate change readiness: Significant improvement

Biodiversity: Positive impact on biodiversity

Carbon footprint: Much less carbon released

Environmental health: Greatly improves environmental health

Soil quality: Improves soil health and fertility

Water use: Same amount of water used

Countries with a green colour
Tested & adopted
Countries with a bright green colour
Countries with a yellow colour
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Burkina Faso Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Cameroon Kenya Libya Liberia Madagascar Mali Malawi Morocco Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Zambia Senegal Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia South Sudan Sudan South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Togo Tunisia Chad Uganda Western Sahara Central African Republic Lesotho
Countries where the technology has been tested and adopted
Country Tested Adopted
Cameroon Not tested Adopted
Ethiopia Not tested Adopted
Kenya Not tested Adopted
Nigeria Not tested Adopted
Rwanda Not tested Adopted
Somalia Not tested Adopted
Tanzania Not tested Adopted
Uganda Not tested Adopted

This technology can be used in the colored agro-ecological zones. Any zones shown in white are not suitable for this technology.

Agro-ecological zones where this technology can be used
AEZ Subtropic - warm Subtropic - cool Tropic - warm Tropic - cool

Source: HarvestChoice/IFPRI 2009

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are applicable to this technology.

Sustainable Development Goal 2: zero hunger
Goal 2: zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 3: good health and well-being
Goal 3: good health and well-being
Sustainable Development Goal 13: climate action
Goal 13: climate action

  1. Gather the Necessary Equipment and Materials: You will need a clean and dry surface for blending, measuring tools, protective gear (gloves, mask), and the different types of fertilizers you intend to blend.

  2. Understand the Nutrient Requirements: Determine the specific nutrient needs of the crop you are fertilizing and refer to soil test results to understand which nutrients are deficient.

  3. Select the Individual Fertilizers: Choose the types of fertilizers that will supply the required nutrients. These may include nitrogen-rich, phosphorus-rich, and potassium-rich fertilizers, as well as any needed micronutrients.

  4. Calculate the Blend Ratio: Based on the nutrient requirements and the nutrient content of each fertilizer, calculate the blend ratio. For example, if a specific blend requires 10% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus, and 10% potassium, you would use fertilizers with these nutrient percentages.

  5. Measure and Weigh the Fertilizers: Using a scale or appropriate measuring tools, carefully weigh out the predetermined amounts of each type of fertilizer according to the calculated blend ratio.

  6. Mix Thoroughly: On a clean blending surface, spread out the selected fertilizers evenly. Use a shovel or blending tool to mix the fertilizers together thoroughly. Ensure that the blend is uniform.

  7. Store the Blended Fertilizer: Transfer the blended fertilizer into a clean, labeled container or bag for storage. Seal it tightly to prevent moisture and contaminants from affecting the blend.

  8. Safety Considerations: Always wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, when handling fertilizers. Work in a well-ventilated area to minimize inhalation of dust.

  9. Label the Blend: Clearly label the container with the contents, blend ratio, and any relevant information about the fertilizer blend. This ensures accurate application in the field.

  10. Testing and Adjusting: Before widespread application, it's advisable to conduct a small-scale trial to ensure the blended fertilizer provides the desired results. If necessary, adjustments to the blend can be made.

Last updated on 22 May 2024