Maize technologies Toolkit

This toolkit is a suite of technologies designed to optimize maize cultivation across Africa. These technologies have been meticulously selected to address the challenges encountered in maize production and storage, ensuring a more resilient and profitable maize sector. By integrating these technologies into your projects or business plans, you can maximize yields while minimizing environmental impacts and reducing labor intensity. Each technology in the toolkit comes with the option to receive technical support, ensuring effective and sustainable implementation.

17 results

NextGen Advisory: Digital Advisory tool for Farmers

Empowering Farmers with Digital Guidance The NextGen Advisory is an online advisory tool, a comprehensive decision support system designed to provide site-specific fertilizer recommendations for key crops in Ethiopia, such as maize, teff, and wheat. It integrates hyper-localized data and tailored approaches to address specific household needs under the integrated soil fertility management plus (ISFM+) framework. Additionally, the tool offers crucial climate information services to guide farmers on optimal planting dates and fertilizer application timings. By leveraging various technologies and machine learning algorithms, this tool aims to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability by delivering precise, actionable advisories directly to farmers.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 4

AKILIMO: Digital Decision Support Tool

We know cassava The AKILIMO application offers personalized agronomic advice for cassava farmers, aiding in decisions related to land preparation, planting and harvesting schedules, fertilizer use, and intercropping. It predicts yields and provides tailored recommendations to maximize profits. Utilizing decision trees and algorithms based on field trials and modeling, it's accessible as a printable guide, smartphone app, interactive voice response system, and chatbot. Currently available in southern Nigeria and Tanzania, it caters to users of all literacy levels through various formats, including paper-based tools and a smartphone app downloadable from the Google Play Store.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 2 ROI: $$$

Multifunctional biopesticide: Ecopticide Agri

Ecopticide Agri, your 3-in-1 bio product against insect, fungi and nematode Ecopticide Agri emerged as a groundbreaking environmental solution designed to combat the escalating challenges faced by farmers in pest management. Conventional approaches led to harvest losses, reduced production yield, and environmental concerns such as soil depletion and biodiversity loss. Pests developed resistance to existing control products, rendering them less effective. In response, Ecopticide Agri was developed to provide a multifunctional, preventive solution, reducing the risk of pest invasions and enhancing crop protection.

Government Pre-validated 9•9 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 2

KABAMANOJ F1: Orange maize hybrid

Unleashing the Power of High-Yielding Orange Maize Across Africa! The new maize variety, born out of agricultural innovation, has been developed to address specific challenges faced in maize cultivation in Africa. Engineered with features such as early maturity, increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and adaptation to the African climate, this variety aims to enhance maize yields and production sustainability. By incorporating modern farming practices, it provides a promising solution to improve food security in the region and promote agriculture resilient to environmental changes.

Government Pre-validated 9•9 2 Cost: $$$

Turbocrop: Field crop plant establishment biostimulant

Specialized biostimulant for root development and vegetative growth on field crops Turbocrop stands as a specialized biostimulant, strategically crafted to elevate root development and stimulate vegetative growth across crops. The formulation is tailored to fortify plants against abiotic stressors, encompassing extreme temperatures, drought conditions, and nutrient deficiencies. Its multifaceted benefits include enhanced root architecture, optimized nutrient utilization, and holistic support for robust plant growth, ultimately contributing to improved crop resilience and productivity.

Government Pre-validated 9•9 5 Cost: $$$

GrainMate: Grain Moisture Meter

Control the moisture content of grains and reduce post-harvest losses. The lack of precise moisture content measurement increases the risk of mold growth, insect infestation, and aflatoxin contamination during storage, resulting in significant losses for farmers and aggregators, up to 30% of the produced grains. In sub-Saharan Africa, farmers face challenges due to the unavailability and high cost of moisture meters. Consequently, they rely on traditional, subjective methods like biting and tossing kernels, which can lead to inaccurate measurements. Poultry farmers using high-moisture grains experience reduced egg productivity and increased bird mortality. The introduction of affordable and accessible grain moisture meter technology is crucial to address these issues and improve overall grain quality management.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

PAC 740: Orange maize hybrid

High yielding orange maize hybrid, medium maturity with high field tolerance to drought The Orange maize hybrid technology is an improved variety of maize offering high yields of up to 10 tons per hectare. It stands out for its tolerance to foliar diseases, especially blight, and its drought resistance. This hybrid variety has the potential for double yields compared to an Open-Pollinated Variety (OPV), providing farmers with a significantly higher return on investment. It addresses challenges such as low yields, the dual-purpose option for grain and fodder, and moisture stress.

Government Pre-validated 9•9 3 Cost: $$$

Pre-plant blended fertilizers and nitrogen topdressing for maize

Unlock Maize Potential with Balanced Fertilizer Bliss! Balanced Fertilizer Blend for Maize is a specialized mixture of nutrients crucial for optimal maize growth. Proper application of this blend ensures robust root systems, disease resistance, and improved grain production. It addresses the issue of inadequate nutrient supply which often leads to subpar yields and environmental losses. This technology provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for maize farmers, enhancing both profitability and sustainability.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2

DroughtTEGO: Drought tolerant and high yield maize varieties

Boost yields, and income with advanced maize. TEGO is an innovative agricultural solution designed to address the challenges of drought resilience and food security in maize cultivation. By integrating advanced breeding techniques, genetic traits for drought tolerance, and climate-smart agricultural practices, TEGO technology offers a comprehensive approach to improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. Key features include the development of maize hybrids with enhanced drought tolerance and high yield potential, promotion of sustainable farming practices to conserve natural resources and mitigate environmental degradation, and provision of training and extension services to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt to changing climatic conditions. TEGO technology represents a promising solution for enhancing resilience to drought and climate variability, thereby contributing to food security and livelihoods in agricultural communities worldwide.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•7 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Pre-emergence herbicides for maize crops

Unlocking Maize's Full Potential Pre-emergence herbicides for maize crops are a crucial innovation for agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. High weed encroachment poses a significant threat to crop yields by depleting soil nutrients and water. These herbicides, applied before or at planting, prevent weed development during the critical early growth stages of maize, ensuring higher grain yields, better fertilizer efficiency, and increased resilience to drought. Their adoption is vital for improving food security and agricultural sustainability in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Golden maize varieties (High provitamin A)

Nutrition-boosting, income-enhancing maize. Provitamin A Enriched Golden Maize Varieties are biofortified maize crops with significantly higher levels of provitamin A, addressing widespread malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. They play a crucial role in reducing vitamin A deficiency, a leading cause of preventable blindness and weakened immunity.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$

IR maize: Imazapyr resistant maize for Striga management

Boost maize yields while eliminating the issue of Striga infestation The technology of Imazapyr resistant maize for Striga management (IR maize) is of paramount significance in addressing the persistent challenge of Striga weed infestations in maize crops, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Commercial seed manufacturers are introducing improved maize varieties that have been genetically modified to resist imazapyr, an herbicide effective in safeguarding crops from parasitic Striga weeds. This technology is a game-changer for regions where Striga significantly impacts maize production.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$

DTMA & WEMA: Drought Tolerant Maize Varieties and Water Efficient Maize Varieties

Enhance farm's resilience with DTMA and WEMA maize varieties, ensuring consistent yields even in unpredictable weather. DTMA and WEMA are specially bred maize varieties designed to thrive in regions prone to water scarcity. They play a crucial role in enabling farmers to navigate unfavorable rainfall conditions, significantly enhancing productivity and reducing the risk of crop failure.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Hello Tractor: Contract mechanization apps

Enhance crop productivity, reduce labour costs, and increase incomes with Hello Tractor - the digital platform revolutionizing agricultural mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the rental of mechanized agricultural equipment like sensors, robots, and tractors to farmers by service companies and private owners is increasing. However, small-scale producers face challenges in accessing these technologies due to information gaps, high costs, and operational risks. Phone applications and data systems offer solutions by enabling contractors to make informed decisions, increase cost-effectiveness, and accelerate business growth. Hello Tractor, a power equipment sharing application, exemplifies this innovation. It connects tractor owners and smallholder farmers, facilitating collaborative consumption through a marketplace where farmers can request and pay for services via SMS and mobile wallets. Data supports various functions, including credit scoring, market intelligence, risk management, and flexible loan repayment structures tailored to crop production seasons and cash flows.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 4 Cost: $$$

Maize-legume rotation and intercropping

Maize-legume: Savings in Soil, Growth in Profit Maize-legume rotation and intercropping is an innovative agricultural practice that combines the cultivation of maize and legumes on the same plot of land. This technique has proven to be highly beneficial, enhancing soil fertility through nitrogen fixation, increasing land and resource use efficiency, reducing weed and pest infestations, and ultimately leading to higher crop yields. It not only provides subsistence farmers with a more balanced and nutritious diet but also helps mitigate the risks associated with crop failure due to factors like drought or pests. This sustainable approach has made a significant impact in Sub-Saharan Africa, improving food security and agricultural productivity.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 5 ROI: $$$

Aflasafe®: Aflatoxin management

Aflatoxin-safe fields and crops for safer food in Africa Aflasafe® technology plays a pivotal role in addressing the critical issue of aflatoxin contamination in Africa. Aflatoxins, produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, are highly toxic and cancer-causing poisons that infest staple crops, animal feeds, and processed foods, posing a severe health threat. Aflasafe®, a biocontrol solution developed in Africa, offers a cost-effective and natural alternative to chemical interventions. By reducing aflatoxin levels in food, Aflasafe® not only safeguards human and livestock health but also mitigates economic impacts, making food safer for consumption and trade, improving overall health, and preserving farm animal well-being. This innovative technology stands as a key strategy to combat the silent aflatoxin pandemic, which is responsible for 30% of liver cancer cases in Africa and weakens individuals against other diseases while also stunting children's growth.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$