Mechanization technologies

Mechanization technologies refer to machines, equipment, and tools designed to automate or facilitate agricultural tasks such as plowing, planting, harvesting, and crop processing. These technologies aim to improve the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of agricultural operations by replacing or supplementing manual labor with mechanized processes.

17 results

MoneyMaker Solar pumps: Mechanized irrigation pumps

Low-cost and fast irrigation technologies for smallholder farmers. MoneyMaker offers a range of irrigation pumps tailored for small plots in sub-Saharan Africa. MoneyMaker's irrigation solutions prioritize sustainable water management, employing smart technology for efficient resource use. Designed to enhance crop yield and profitability, these solutions offer real-time insights into soil moisture and precise water application, contributing to environmental conservation and farm productivity.

Private sector Pre-validated 8•7 3

GrainMate: Grain Moisture Meter

Control the moisture content of grains and reduce post-harvest losses. The lack of precise moisture content measurement increases the risk of mold growth, insect infestation, and aflatoxin contamination during storage, resulting in significant losses for farmers and aggregators, up to 30% of the produced grains. In sub-Saharan Africa, farmers face challenges due to the unavailability and high cost of moisture meters. Consequently, they rely on traditional, subjective methods like biting and tossing kernels, which can lead to inaccurate measurements. Poultry farmers using high-moisture grains experience reduced egg productivity and increased bird mortality. The introduction of affordable and accessible grain moisture meter technology is crucial to address these issues and improve overall grain quality management.

Private sector Pre-validated 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Threshing Operations

Efficient Threshing for Productive Farms Mechanized Threshing Operations is a technology that efficiently separates seeds or grain from harvested plants. It addresses the labor-intensive process of manual threshing, particularly performed by women. Mechanized threshers use small petrol engines to process seeds and grain rapidly, offering a significant improvement in efficiency.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4

Advanced Weed Management: Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management

Weed Management for Optimal Yield The "Mechanical and Chemical Weed Management" technology is a game-changer for bean farmers, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. Weeds can cause major losses in bean crops, and this technology offers a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to manual weeding. By using herbicides and mechanical weeders, farmers can save time, increase their yield, and ultimately improve their income. This innovation is a powerful tool in ensuring food security and economic stability for bean farmers in various African countries.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 7 ROI: $$$

Cut and Bury: Motorized weeders for rice production

Effortless Weed Control for Bountiful Harvests The technology of motorized weeders for rice production (cut and bury) addresses a significant challenge faced by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Traditional manual weed clearing is labor-intensive and costly, leading to substantial yield losses and economic impacts. The introduction of small-sized motorized weeding units has revolutionized weed control in rice paddies, reducing labor demands and costs, while increasing rice production and quality. This innovation offers a practical and cost-effective solution for smallholder farmers, contributing to improved food security and economic well-being in rural communities.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Pneumatic Cassava Dryers

Low-cost mechanized drying of cassava using Flash Dryers The technology of "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" holds paramount importance in the cassava processing chain. Specifically designed for transforming cassava mash into floury or powdery products, flash dryers stand out for their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and wide application for solids with low moisture content. Their suitability for producing starch, high-quality cassava flour (HQCF), and powdered fufu has been notably recognized. Flash dryers have been instrumental in revolutionizing cassava processing. They were first successfully tested in the year 2000 by IITA in collaboration with Femtex Starch factory in Lagos, demonstrating promising results. Subsequently, technical support was extended to equipment fabricators in Nigeria, leading to widespread fabrication and utilization of flash dryers for producing HQCF from cassava. Since 2004, the commercial fabrication and installation of flash dryers have expanded not only in Nigeria but also in several other African countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zambia. These dryers have been widely adopted and implemented by various projects, government institutions, and private sectors, signifying their pivotal role in enhancing cassava processing for higher value-added products.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

Mechanized Cassava Planting and Harvesting

Empowering Cassava Farmers: More Yield, Less Labor, Better Quality Mechanized cassava planting and harvesting technology plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced by cassava farmers in Africa. With the goal of increasing yields and economic benefits, mechanization offers a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective alternative to manual planting and harvesting. By significantly reducing labor requirements and minimizing root damage, this technology contributes to improving cassava production and the competitiveness of African cassava farmers in the global market.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Mobile Cassava Processing Plant

Transforming Cassava, Mobile Processing for Sustainable Agriculture The Mobile Cassava Processing Plant (MCPP) addresses challenges in cassava commercialization by providing an alternative to immobile processing factories. The MCPP, developed by the TAAT Cassava Compact, is a six-wheel truck with modern processing machinery, an electricity generator, and a loader crane. It facilitates on-site processing of cassava into shelf-stable products, reducing postharvest losses and transportation costs.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 6•6 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Defeathering and Egg Sorting

Efficiency Unleashed: Poultry Processing, Simplified Mechanized Defeathering and Egg Sorting technology addresses the labor-intensive and time-consuming processes of defeathering chickens and manually sorting eggs. It offers efficient, quick, and precise solutions for poultry farmers, enhancing productivity and product quality. The technology is crucial for small to medium-scale poultry producers, providing benefits such as increased throughput, reduced handling costs, and premium prices for high-grade eggs.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Processing and Value Addition for Fish Products

From Catch to Cuisine: Enhancing Fish Quality and Sustainability Fish processing is a vital component of the agricultural sector, ensuring the preservation and value addition of fish products. It plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life, improving taste, and enhancing the nutritional value of fish. Common methods like solar tent dryers and smoking kilns offer cost-effective ways to preserve fish, reducing the need for refrigeration, and enabling the creation of various value-added fish products, ranging from fillets to fish powder, which contribute to food quality and market appeal.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 4

Hello Tractor: Contract mechanization apps

Enhance crop productivity, reduce labour costs, and increase incomes with Hello Tractor - the digital platform revolutionizing agricultural mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the rental of mechanized agricultural equipment like sensors, robots, and tractors to farmers by service companies and private owners is increasing. However, small-scale producers face challenges in accessing these technologies due to information gaps, high costs, and operational risks. Phone applications and data systems offer solutions by enabling contractors to make informed decisions, increase cost-effectiveness, and accelerate business growth. Hello Tractor, a power equipment sharing application, exemplifies this innovation. It connects tractor owners and smallholder farmers, facilitating collaborative consumption through a marketplace where farmers can request and pay for services via SMS and mobile wallets. Data supports various functions, including credit scoring, market intelligence, risk management, and flexible loan repayment structures tailored to crop production seasons and cash flows.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 4 Cost: $$$

Combine Harvesters for Wheat and Fleet Management tool

Efficient Harvesting, Smarter Fleet Management Combine harvesters are versatile agricultural machines capable of performing multiple harvest operations in a single process. They come in various sizes to cater to different farming needs, handling crops like wheat, maize, rice, soybean, and more. Efficient management and fleet selection are crucial for optimizing performance and minimizing costs. These machines significantly reduce grain losses and labor expenses, making them essential for wheat farming and increasing production in labor-scarce areas.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$

Motorized Crop Residue Processing for Animal Feed

Powered Crop Residue Processing for Livestock Feed Enhancement Traditional manual methods limit the utilization of millet and sorghum stem residues for livestock. The mobile processor developed by ICRISAT and partners addresses this issue. It is self-powered, cost-effective, easily transportable, and operated by just two people. This technology enhances resource efficiency, integrating crop and livestock enterprises. It also benefits soil fertility through improved manure production. The machinery is particularly suited for drylands in Sub-Saharan Africa, where feed biomass is scarce due to low rainfall. It can process a variety of materials and is adaptable to different seasons.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$

Motorized Planter and Fertilizer Applicator (Sénékéla): Mechanized Tillers, Planters and Fertilizer Applicators

Make farming easier with planting and fertilizing machines In small farms where millet and sorghum are grown, many tasks like preparing the land, planting seeds, and adding fertilizer are done by hand. This means farmers have to work hard and sometimes spend money on animals or services to help. Sometimes, there isn't much time to plant because of not enough or unpredictable rain. Doing important things like putting seeds in the ground and adding fertilizer, when done by hand, takes a lot of time. All these things make it difficult to make farming more efficient and grow more food. Using machines to do these tasks is really important. It saves money on labor, lets farmers do things at the right time, makes the crops grow better, and helps make more money. This is really helpful for making sure there's enough food for everyone.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

Rice Threshing and Polishing Machines: Axial flow thresher and improved quality polishing

Efficient rice threshing and polishing for premium quality grains, boosting income and market access in african communities. This technology greatly improves rice processing in Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses advanced machines like motorized threshers and polishers to replace manual methods. These machines can be easily moved near the fields, reducing transportation costs and increasing processing capacity. They work precisely, getting more rice without damage. This raises the quality and value of the rice, benefiting both small and large-scale farmers. Additionally, using these machines creates job opportunities. This represents a significant step towards modernizing rice processing and improving livelihoods for farmers in the region.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$

GEM system: Parboiling equipment for rice

Reduce milling losses, enhance nutritional and organoleptic quality Parboiling is a process whereby rough rice is steeped in cold or warm water, heated with steam under pressure or in boiling water to gelatinize starch with minimum grain swelling, followed by slow drying. The nutritional, flavor and textural characteristics of parboiled rice are better than non-parboiled counterparts and can match the quality of imported rice making it more appealing to consumers. Traditionally, parboiling is carried out in a cast iron drum with a false bottom for soaking and steaming that is placed on a three-stone fire, which is severely expose processors to air pollution from emissions of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5). These easy-to-build systems are highly suitable for small to medium scale processors in rice growing areas of Sub-Saharan Africa that have poor energy and market infrastructures.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Flour Milling and Blending Systems for Wheat, Sorghum and Millet

Produce a premium wheat, sorghum and millet flour close to production areas The technology of Flour Milling and Blending Systems is crucial for enhancing the value of wheat produced by farmers and traders. It allows the grinding of wheat into flour, enabling its storage for several months and utilization in various food products such as bread, biscuits, cakes, porridges, and pasta. By transitioning from manual to advanced milling and blending systems, these technologies facilitate the production of high-quality wheat flour that meets consumer preferences. The implementation of these systems, available in various sizes from local and international manufacturers, enables the creation of premium flour closer to the production areas. This not only reduces transportation costs but also extends the shelf life of the flour, ensuring better access to local and national markets. Empowering rural communities with milling and blending capabilities promotes increased output, adds value to local products, and enhances the competitiveness of African wheat producers, thereby enabling them to better compete with imported products.

Private sector Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$