Cassava Technologies Toolkit

This toolkit is a collection of technologies designed to optimize cassava cultivation across Africa. These technologies have been meticulously selected to address the challenges encountered in cassava production, processing and commercialization, ensuring a more resilient and profitable cassava sector. By integrating these technologies into your projects or business plans, you can maximize yields while minimizing environmental impacts and reducing labor intensity. Each technology in the toolkit comes with the option to receive technical support, ensuring effective and sustainable implementation.

19 results

AKILIMO: Digital Decision Support Tool

We know cassava The AKILIMO application offers personalized agronomic advice for cassava farmers, aiding in decisions related to land preparation, planting and harvesting schedules, fertilizer use, and intercropping. It predicts yields and provides tailored recommendations to maximize profits. Utilizing decision trees and algorithms based on field trials and modeling, it's accessible as a printable guide, smartphone app, interactive voice response system, and chatbot. Currently available in southern Nigeria and Tanzania, it caters to users of all literacy levels through various formats, including paper-based tools and a smartphone app downloadable from the Google Play Store.

Government Pre-validated 8•7 2 ROI: $$$

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 2

Six Steps to Cassava Weed Management

Weed-free Fields, Bountiful Yields! The "Six Steps Cassava Weed Management" technology is a vital innovation in cassava cultivation in Sub-Saharan Africa. It offers a comprehensive approach to tackling the persistent problem of weed encroachment in cassava fields. By addressing key control measures such as site selection, weed identification, herbicide application, tillage operations, plant spacing, and post-emergence weeding, this technology significantly boosts cassava yields. It's a game-changer for cassava farmers, enabling them to achieve higher yields and improve food security in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•7 5

Herbicides Calculator

Reduce pesticide and herbicide losses with IITA's herbicide calculator Widespread abuse of pesticides (including herbicides) is common due to poorly calibrated spray tanks. Farmers overdose or underdose when applying pesticides. The IITA Herbicide Calculator helps farmers and spray service providers to correctly estimate the amount of herbicide to add to backpack sprayers, and promotes herbicide efficacy.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3

Equipment for feed production: Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production

Affordable animal feed for breeders The technology of "Cassava Peels for Animal Feed Production" holds significant importance in Sub-Saharan Africa, where large quantities of cassava peels are generated as byproducts of cassava processing. These peels, if not properly managed, create environmental hazards through uncontrolled dumping and burning. However, their potential as a valuable resource for rearing livestock and fish remains largely untapped. Cassava peels have the potential to serve as an excellent source of feed and fiber for animals, but their utilization has been hindered by drying constraints, the risk of aflatoxin contamination, and poor storability when traditional methods are employed. The introduction of simple equipment to mechanize the conversion of cassava peels into animal feeds offers solutions to these challenges. This technology reduces labor costs, shortens drying times, and improves the shelf life of feed products. By effectively utilizing cassava peels as animal feed, smallholder farmers and agri-food manufacturers can enhance the value derived from their cassava crops and address the scarcity of nutritious animal feeds. Additionally, the mechanized processing of cassava peels into wet cakes and dry mashes presents opportunities for job creation and business development in rural areas of Africa. Overall, this technology not only mitigates environmental issues but also contributes to improving food security, livestock production, and economic prospects in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 6

High quality cassava flour and industrial starches

Extend Freshness, Expand Opportunities with Cassava Flour! The technology of producing High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) and industrial starches is of paramount importance. It addresses the critical issue of rapid spoilage and mold in fresh cassava roots due to their high water content, a significant challenge for farmers in storing or selling their produce. African communities have long relied on various processing methods to extend shelf life and eliminate toxic cyanide compounds. Traditional cassava flour production techniques do not offer substantial market opportunities for smallholder cassava farmers.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Golden cassava varieties (Vitamin A fortified)

Yellow-fleshed cassava rich in vitamin A Low level of vitamin and mineral in the common varieties of cassava grown by farmers leads to widespread malnutrition and hidden hunger, and numerable desease in the African continent. Therefore, it comes to raise the provitamin A in the conventional cassava throught breeding technics by parking the Golden cassava’s roots with beta-carotenoid for the color caracteristic, these to be convert after ingestion into vitamin A by enzymes as per the need in the body.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•6 3

Disease resistant cassava varieties

Disease-Resistant Cassava Cuttings for Higher Yields Disease resistant cassava varieties plays a critical role in overcoming the challenges faced by cassava farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cassava, a vital food crop in the region, is frequently plagued by devastating viral diseases, such as cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease, which harm the leaves, reduce photosynthesis, and result in significant yield losses, sometimes leading to complete crop failure. In essence, disease resistant cassava varieties are instrumental in safeguarding cassava production, ensuring food security, and improving the livelihoods of farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. These varieties represent a sustainable and efficient approach to combat viral infections that threaten cassava crops, making them a vital technology for the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 4 Cost: $$$

Specialty blended fertilizers for root and tuber crops

Special fertilizer for root and tuber crops The technology "Specialty Blended Fertilizers for Root and Tuber Crops", plays a pivotal role in enhancing the growth, productivity, and resilience of tuber and root crops like sweetpotato and cassava. These specially designed fertilizers provide a balanced mix of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur, addressing deficiencies commonly found in soils across Sub-Saharan Africa. By applying the right nutrient blends at the appropriate time and location, these fertilizers significantly improve tuber quality, crop yield, and the plants' ability to withstand drought, pests, and diseases.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 6•6 1

Disease Diagnosis: Nuru for in-field Pest

Crop Care in Your Pocket: Nuru App, Your Farming Companion PlantVillage Nuru is a groundbreaking smartphone app that harnesses artificial intelligence to offer real-time offline diagnosis of crop damage symptoms caused by diseases and pests. Initially developed for cassava, it now extends its capabilities to diagnose damage in maize and is expanding to cover other crops, like potato. This free app not only provides instant diagnoses but also fosters community connections among users and offers guidance on managing the identified diseases and pests. This technology is a pivotal tool for farmers, enabling them to swiftly identify and address crop issues, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5

Pneumatic Cassava Dryers

Low-cost mechanized drying of cassava using Flash Dryers The technology of "Mechanized Drying of Cassava using Flash Dryers (Pneumatic Dryers)" holds paramount importance in the cassava processing chain. Specifically designed for transforming cassava mash into floury or powdery products, flash dryers stand out for their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and wide application for solids with low moisture content. Their suitability for producing starch, high-quality cassava flour (HQCF), and powdered fufu has been notably recognized. Flash dryers have been instrumental in revolutionizing cassava processing. They were first successfully tested in the year 2000 by IITA in collaboration with Femtex Starch factory in Lagos, demonstrating promising results. Subsequently, technical support was extended to equipment fabricators in Nigeria, leading to widespread fabrication and utilization of flash dryers for producing HQCF from cassava. Since 2004, the commercial fabrication and installation of flash dryers have expanded not only in Nigeria but also in several other African countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, and Zambia. These dryers have been widely adopted and implemented by various projects, government institutions, and private sectors, signifying their pivotal role in enhancing cassava processing for higher value-added products.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2

Mechanized Cassava Planting and Harvesting

Empowering Cassava Farmers: More Yield, Less Labor, Better Quality Mechanized cassava planting and harvesting technology plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced by cassava farmers in Africa. With the goal of increasing yields and economic benefits, mechanization offers a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective alternative to manual planting and harvesting. By significantly reducing labor requirements and minimizing root damage, this technology contributes to improving cassava production and the competitiveness of African cassava farmers in the global market.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Waxing of fresh cassava roots to extend the shelf-life and increase marketability

Extend shelf-life of fresh cassava The technology of waxing fresh cassava roots is a solution designed to address the challenges of rapid deterioration and limited shelf-life of cassava post-harvest. By applying a protective wax layer, it preserves the freshness of the roots and extends their shelf-life from two days to about 14 days or more. This not only enhances the marketability of the roots by protecting them from physical damages but also contributes to food security by ensuring their availability for a longer period. The wax used is safe and approved, ensuring the eating quality and safety of the cassava roots are not compromised.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2

Mobile Cassava Processing Plant

Transforming Cassava, Mobile Processing for Sustainable Agriculture The Mobile Cassava Processing Plant (MCPP) addresses challenges in cassava commercialization by providing an alternative to immobile processing factories. The MCPP, developed by the TAAT Cassava Compact, is a six-wheel truck with modern processing machinery, an electricity generator, and a loader crane. It facilitates on-site processing of cassava into shelf-stable products, reducing postharvest losses and transportation costs.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 6•6 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Hello Tractor: Contract mechanization apps

Enhance crop productivity, reduce labour costs, and increase incomes with Hello Tractor - the digital platform revolutionizing agricultural mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the rental of mechanized agricultural equipment like sensors, robots, and tractors to farmers by service companies and private owners is increasing. However, small-scale producers face challenges in accessing these technologies due to information gaps, high costs, and operational risks. Phone applications and data systems offer solutions by enabling contractors to make informed decisions, increase cost-effectiveness, and accelerate business growth. Hello Tractor, a power equipment sharing application, exemplifies this innovation. It connects tractor owners and smallholder farmers, facilitating collaborative consumption through a marketplace where farmers can request and pay for services via SMS and mobile wallets. Data supports various functions, including credit scoring, market intelligence, risk management, and flexible loan repayment structures tailored to crop production seasons and cash flows.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 4 Cost: $$$

Cassava varieties with high dry matter and starch content

Enhancing cassava yields and quality for greater food security in Africa. Improved cassava roots with higher dry matter and starch content are crucial for farmers. These qualities determine how cassava can be used, whether for making flour, chips, or industrial materials. In Sub-Saharan Africa, cassava crops often have low levels of these important traits due to limited accessible varieties. Enhancing root quality is a significant opportunity for the future, benefiting both food security and the agri-food industry. Breeding cassava for these traits is essential to meet local and regional market demands. This leads to higher economic yields for farmers, providing more food and income from the same area of land.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

CBC: Cassava Business Connector

Revolutionize the cassava value chain with CBC, ensuring seamless communication and robust market linkages for enhanced income opportunities. The Cassava Business Connector (CBC) is a digital tool that bridges communication gaps in the cassava value chain. It links producers, processors, and end-users, enhancing market access and income opportunities. The CBC enables real-time tracking, communication, and information sharing, improving market linkages. It's a powerful tool for cassava market innovation, benefiting various stakeholders. Developed as a public good, CBC strengthens the cassava value chain.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5

Cassava seed-bulking farms

Quality cassava cuttings close to the fields African farmers commonly use cassava stem cuttings for planting due to their accessibility and ability to cover large areas. However, distributing these cuttings poses challenges, as they lose viability during storage, leading to increased transportation costs. This limitation affects the supply of disease-resistant cassava planting material, particularly in remote areas with poor road connectivity. Seed-bulking farms, scattered across communities, offer a solution by multiplying planting materials closer to fields, reducing production and transport costs, and reducing reliance on limited-coverage seed companies. These farms accelerate the spread of improved cassava varieties, providing pest and disease-free planting materials and fostering community-based enterprise development, ultimately improving the income and productivity of farmers and processors.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3

SAH cassava: Semi Autotrophic Hydroponics for Cassava Multiplication

A rapid quality seed delivery technology for cassava Semi Autotrophic Hydroponics (SAH) is a groundbreaking technology transforming cassava planting. It addresses the slow propagation of improved varieties and contamination issues in traditional methods. SAH enables rapid access to high-quality, disease-free cassava planting materials, benefiting all farmers. This system involves trays with modified soil, plant roots, and minimal water, creating an ideal environment for healthy root growth. With low infrastructure costs, SAH is easily implementable in dispersed farming communities. It significantly reduces production costs and increases yields, making it a game-changer for cassava farming in Africa.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$