Aquaculture technologies Toolkit

This toolkit is a collection of technologies designed to optimize aquaculture production across Africa. These technologies have been selected to address the challenges encountered in aquaculture production, ensuring a more resilient and profitable aquaculture sector. By integrating these technologies into your projects or business plans, you can maximize yields while minimizing environmental impacts and reducing labor intensity. Each technology in the toolkit comes with the option to receive technical support, ensuring effective and sustainable implementation.

13 results

Cage Systems for Fish farming

Cage Culture: Dive Deep for a Sustainable Leap! Cage Systems for Fish Culturing is a method of aquaculture where fish are grown in floating cages in water bodies like lakes or rivers. The cages protect the fish, allow for controlled feeding, and make it easy to harvest the fish when they're ready. This technology is a cost-effective way to grow fish in a natural, safe, and controlled environment.

Government Pre-validated 8•8 2

Rice-fish culture: Integrating rice and fish farming systems

Rice-Fish System Boosts Profits, Enhances Lowland Land Use for Food Security and Prosperity The rice-fish farming system emerged as a solution to address various agricultural challenges. It was developed to counter widespread food and nutrition insecurity, the vulnerability of smallholder rice farmers to market shocks due to a lack of diversification, and environmental pollution resulting from excessive agrochemical use. This innovative approach not only enhances food and nutrition security but also boosts smallholder farmers' income through the combined sale of rice and fish. Additionally, the system promotes environmental safety by eliminating the need for agrochemicals, contributing to sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 5 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Trace: FairFood Traceability Solutions

Easy-to-use solution for food traceability Fairfood offers advanced tracking solutions through Trace technology, enabling agricultural and food-related companies to transparently showcase the exact origins of their products. This technology empowers companies to openly provide evidence supporting claims of product sustainability, facilitating transparency and accountability. Whether through public disclosure or inclusion on product packaging, Trace technology enhances trust by giving consumers verifiable insights into the journey and sustainability practices associated with the products they choose.

Government Pre-validated 9•7 2

Pond Liners to Save Water and Ease Maintenance

Preserving Water, Pond Liners for Sustainable Fish Farming. Pond Liners, an innovative water conservation technology, employ sheets of UV-resistant materials to form an impermeable layer between water and soil. This reduces water losses, prevents algal blooms, and facilitates nutrient cycling. Affordable and easy to install, these liners are crucial for fish farming in areas with sandy soils or limited access to freshwater.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Mechanized Processing and Value Addition for Fish Products

From Catch to Cuisine: Enhancing Fish Quality and Sustainability Fish processing is a vital component of the agricultural sector, ensuring the preservation and value addition of fish products. It plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life, improving taste, and enhancing the nutritional value of fish. Common methods like solar tent dryers and smoking kilns offer cost-effective ways to preserve fish, reducing the need for refrigeration, and enabling the creation of various value-added fish products, ranging from fillets to fish powder, which contribute to food quality and market appeal.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 4

Aquaculture and vegetables Integration System: Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture Systems

Aquaculture and Crops system for better yield This technology brings fish farming and crop growing together in a smart way. It helps make more food for households by using pond water for plants and plant leftovers for fish. This means less money spent on fish food and more crops from the fields. It's a big help for small and big farms, making them better at growing food and making money. This technology is a game-changer for farming and making sure there's enough food for everyone.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 5

Affordable Fish Feed Production: Formulation and Pelleting of Low-Cost Feeds

Empowering Aquaculture with Affordable Feeds Formulation and Pelleting of Low-Cost Feeds" plays a pivotal role in enhancing the profitability of fish farming in Sub-Saharan Africa. By locally sourcing ingredients and employing pelleting technologies, this approach significantly reduces feed costs, which typically account for 60% to 70% of a fish farmer's operating expenses. Moreover, pelleted fish feeds are more water-stable, boost nutrient transfer, and are environmentally friendly due to reduced pollution. This cost-effective and efficient method contributes to the sustainability and economic viability of aquaculture in the region.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 1 Cost: $$$

In-Pond Raceway Systems for Fish Farming

Revolutionize your fish farming with IPRS for maximum yields and sustainability. The In-Pond Raceway System (IPRS) is a pivotal advancement in aquaculture technology, revolutionizing fish farming practices. By ensuring continuous water flow and efficient waste management, IPRS allows for significantly higher fish stocking densities. This translates to a substantial boost in fish production compared to traditional methods. The technology's emphasis on water quality optimization, aeration, and waste removal addresses critical factors for fish growth. Its benefits extend beyond productivity, encompassing cost-effectiveness, improved feed conversion, and environmental sustainability. IPRS represents a crucial innovation in meeting the growing demand for sustainable fish farming practices, making it a cornerstone in modern aquaculture.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Flow-Through and Recirculatory Water Systems for Fish Tanks

Enhance fish farming efficiency with sustainable water systems, reducing resource wastage and ensuring robust fish growth. A recirculatory aquaculture system is a technology where water is recycled after filtration to remove suspended matter. This method is used for higher density culture of fish, allowing for maximum use of limited land and water. Water movement into and out of the tank maintains peak water quality conditions despite dense stocking rates. As water passes into the tank it provides oxygen and when it leaves it carries away waste products. Intensive aquaculture in tanks that operate at high stocking densities is furnished with a flow-through system that discharges water, cleans water, and pumps it back through the system. Tanks with a conventional flow-through systems are simpler in design but require an affordable and reliable source of quality water that can be used with minimal pre-treatment. Recirculatory systems are more complex and costly to install but have higher water use efficiency, higher feed conversion, and more exact disease control.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 4 Cost: $$$

Tank Systems for Fish farming

Aquaculture Innovation: Growing the Future, Nurturing the Waters Tank systems for fish culturing are land-based enclosures used for intensive fish production. They are suitable when there’s limited water or land, and require a complete feed diet. Tanks can be made of various materials and shapes, and are used for rearing species like catfish and tilapia at high densities. Regular sorting is needed to minimize mortality due to cannibalism.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 1 Cost: $$$

Hapa Nets for Fingerling

Hapa Nets for Mass Fingerling Hatchery Production The "Hapa Nets for Mass Fingerling Hatchery Production" technology addresses the constraints faced by the aquaculture industry in Sub-Saharan Africa due to inadequate and inconsistent supply of high-quality fingerlings from improved fish breeds. Predation, uneven growth rates, and high mortality in open ponds limit aquaculture expansion. The introduction of "hapa" nets—small enclosures within ponds—serves to protect brooders, hatchlings, and juveniles from predators, ensuring better management of fish stocks. This technology allows for closer monitoring and adjustment of breeding, feeding, and aeration processes, resulting in improved fertilization rates, uniform growth, reduced mortality, and increased production of fry and fingerlings, thereby ensuring more reliable and stable returns on investment for hatcheries.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 5 Cost: $$$

Fast Growing and Hybrid African Catfish

Boosting Aquaculture with Resilient, Fast-Growing Catfish Hybrids The technology behind "Fast Growing and Hybrid African Catfish" is crucial for African aquaculture and regional food security. African catfish are well-suited for freshwater farming due to their rapid growth, resilience to environmental conditions, and ability to thrive on low-cost agricultural byproducts. Their hardiness against common pests and tolerance for low water quality make them an attractive choice for aquaculture. However, the scarcity of quality fingerlings from improved catfish breeds is a significant obstacle faced by local hatcheries. This scarcity hampers the efforts of fish farmers to increase yields, meet market demands, and improve returns. As a result, many farmers resort to collecting fish eggs from the wild or purchasing poor quality fingerlings, hindering the potential for increased production and economic benefits. Improving the breeding and availability of quality fingerlings of fast-growing and hybrid African catfish is essential to enhance aquaculture productivity, meet local market demands, and ensure sustainable food production in Africa.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

GIFT "Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia": All Male Tilapia Fingerlings with Greater Yield and Uniformity

Greater yield and uniformity in tilapia farming This practice focuses on cultivating all-male tilapia fingerlings, which are more profitable due to their accelerated growth rate and higher conversion of feed to flesh. This technology is crucial for aquaculture in African countries, offering benefits such as improved growth, higher yields, disease resistance, and adaptability to various environmental conditions.

Government Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$