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Dual-purpose Millet Varieties for Crop and Livestock Integration

Harvest More, Feed Better, Farm Smarter The technology of "Dual-purpose Varieties for Crop and Livestock Integration" holds paramount importance, particularly in African drylands. The productivity of natural pastures and rangelands in these regions is diminishing due to overgrazing, soil degradation, and the impact of climate change. In the face of increasing livestock numbers, there is a growing need for crop residues that can be utilized as animal feeds. Traditional millet and sorghum varieties have proven inadequate as they lack the desired grain-to-stover ratio for both human and animal nutrition. Additionally, they possess higher lignin content, which reduces digestibility, and may contain tannin, leading to a bitter taste.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 7 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$