2 results

Cage Systems for Fish farming

Cage Culture: Dive Deep for a Sustainable Leap! Cage Systems for Fish Culturing is a method of aquaculture where fish are grown in floating cages in water bodies like lakes or rivers. The cages protect the fish, allow for controlled feeding, and make it easy to harvest the fish when they're ready. This technology is a cost-effective way to grow fish in a natural, safe, and controlled environment.

Pre-validated 8•8 2

Aquaculture and vegetables Integration System: Integrated Aquaculture and Agriculture Systems

Aquaculture and Crops system for better yield This technology brings fish farming and crop growing together in a smart way. It helps make more food for households by using pond water for plants and plant leftovers for fish. This means less money spent on fish food and more crops from the fields. It's a big help for small and big farms, making them better at growing food and making money. This technology is a game-changer for farming and making sure there's enough food for everyone.

Validated (TAAT1) 9•9 5