2 results

Soybean inoculant: Rhyzobium inoculant range, various strains

N-fixing bacteria to reduce chemical fertilizer use Stimuplant is an inoculant designed for diverse legume crops, leveraging a symbiotic association with Rhizobia bacteria. This unique collaboration enhances nitrogen levels in the soil, contributing 40 to 150 kg per hectare. Certified with CERES organic certification, Stimuplant ensures sustainable and organic farming practices. The innovative UPL powder carrier technology shields bacteria from harsh environmental conditions, providing extended shelf life (9 months) and offering practical packaging tailored for smallholder farmers. This multifaceted solution addresses nitrogen scarcity, promotes organic certification, and enhances the accessibility of inoculants for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

NoduMax: Inoculant for Soybeans

Advanced Soybean Inoculation Solution for Sustainable Agriculture NoduMax is a cutting-edge soybean inoculation technology designed to enhance the efficiency of soybean cultivation while promoting sustainable agricultural practices. This innovative solution optimizes root nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation, reducing the dependency on costly nitrogen fertilizers.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 6 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$