2 results

Cassava seed-bulking farms

Quality cassava cuttings close to the fields African farmers commonly use cassava stem cuttings for planting due to their accessibility and ability to cover large areas. However, distributing these cuttings poses challenges, as they lose viability during storage, leading to increased transportation costs. This limitation affects the supply of disease-resistant cassava planting material, particularly in remote areas with poor road connectivity. Seed-bulking farms, scattered across communities, offer a solution by multiplying planting materials closer to fields, reducing production and transport costs, and reducing reliance on limited-coverage seed companies. These farms accelerate the spread of improved cassava varieties, providing pest and disease-free planting materials and fostering community-based enterprise development, ultimately improving the income and productivity of farmers and processors.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3

Propagation of Banana and Plantain Disease-Cleaned Suckers

Propagate Success with Clean Suckers The macro-propagation technique of "Propagation of Disease-Cleaned Suckers" addresses the challenge of contaminated planting materials in African banana and plantain farming. It involves using field and bed-based techniques to produce large quantities of disease- and pest-free seedlings at affordable prices. The technology is crucial for enhancing productivity, increasing farmers' income, and sustaining banana and plantain production.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•8 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$