3 results

High quality cassava flour and industrial starches

Extend Freshness, Expand Opportunities with Cassava Flour! The technology of producing High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) and industrial starches is of paramount importance. It addresses the critical issue of rapid spoilage and mold in fresh cassava roots due to their high water content, a significant challenge for farmers in storing or selling their produce. African communities have long relied on various processing methods to extend shelf life and eliminate toxic cyanide compounds. Traditional cassava flour production techniques do not offer substantial market opportunities for smallholder cassava farmers.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$

Processing chicken meat for cold storage

Preserving Quality, Expanding Opportunity: Value Addition for Poultry The “Processing chicken meat for cold storage” technology is a transformative approach to poultry processing in Africa. It addresses the current practice of selling live poultry at markets, which often leads to lower returns for farmers and public health concerns. The technology enables the secondary processing of raw chicken into value-added products and facilitates cold storage, expanding the consumer base and increasing revenue for producers. It caters to the growing demand for ready-to-cook or precooked chicken meat, driven by urbanization, income growth, and heightened awareness of diet and food quality. The technology, accessible to small and medium enterprises, involves mechanized equipment for high-volume processing and refrigeration facilities for long-term storage and transport.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•7 3 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$

Flour Milling and Blending Systems: Flour Milling and Blending Systems

Produce a premium wheat flour close to production areas The technology of Flour Milling and Blending Systems is crucial for enhancing the value of wheat produced by farmers and traders. It allows the grinding of wheat into flour, enabling its storage for several months and utilization in various food products such as bread, biscuits, cakes, porridges, and pasta. By transitioning from manual to advanced milling and blending systems, these technologies facilitate the production of high-quality wheat flour that meets consumer preferences. The implementation of these systems, available in various sizes from local and international manufacturers, enables the creation of premium flour closer to the production areas. This not only reduces transportation costs but also extends the shelf life of the flour, ensuring better access to local and national markets. Empowering rural communities with milling and blending capabilities promotes increased output, adds value to local products, and enhances the competitiveness of African wheat producers, thereby enabling them to better compete with imported products.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$