4 results

ZECC: Zero Energy Cooling Chamber for Vegetables

Cut Post-Harvest Losses for Vegetables The Zero Energy Cooling Chamber (ZECC) is an eco-friendly, electricity-free storage system that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by several days. It operates through evaporative cooling, making it ideal for rural areas. ZECC helps reduce post-harvest losses, increases the availability of nutrient-dense foods, and provides an affordable cooling solution for farmers.

Pre-validated 9•8 4 Cost: $$$

Silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers

Fodder Enrichment for Thriving Livestock The technology of silage production from sweet potato vines and tubers plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture by converting leftover plant material into high-quality animal fodder. It addresses the challenges of resource wastage under unfavorable environmental conditions and contributes to bridging gaps in animal feed availability for farmers. Silage enhances feed digestibility, preserves essential nutrients, and significantly benefits the growth and well-being of ruminants and pigs, making it a valuable asset in modern agriculture.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•8 2

Waxing of fresh cassava roots to extend the shelf-life and increase marketability

Extend shelf-life of fresh cassava The technology of waxing fresh cassava roots is a solution designed to address the challenges of rapid deterioration and limited shelf-life of cassava post-harvest. By applying a protective wax layer, it preserves the freshness of the roots and extends their shelf-life from two days to about 14 days or more. This not only enhances the marketability of the roots by protecting them from physical damages but also contributes to food security by ensuring their availability for a longer period. The wax used is safe and approved, ensuring the eating quality and safety of the cassava roots are not compromised.

Validated (TAAT1) 7•7 2

Aflasafe®: Aflatoxin management

Aflatoxin-safe fields and crops for safer food in Africa Aflasafe® technology plays a pivotal role in addressing the critical issue of aflatoxin contamination in Africa. Aflatoxins, produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, are highly toxic and cancer-causing poisons that infest staple crops, animal feeds, and processed foods, posing a severe health threat. Aflasafe®, a biocontrol solution developed in Africa, offers a cost-effective and natural alternative to chemical interventions. By reducing aflatoxin levels in food, Aflasafe® not only safeguards human and livestock health but also mitigates economic impacts, making food safer for consumption and trade, improving overall health, and preserving farm animal well-being. This innovative technology stands as a key strategy to combat the silent aflatoxin pandemic, which is responsible for 30% of liver cancer cases in Africa and weakens individuals against other diseases while also stunting children's growth.

Validated (TAAT1) 8•9 4 Cost: $$$ ROI: $$$