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TEGO Drought tolerant and high yield maize varieties

Boost yields, and income with advanced maize.

TEGO is an improved varieties maize technology developed to bolster drought resilience and improve grain output in maize cultivation. Developed through collaborative research efforts, TEGO integrates cutting-edge genetic traits, advanced breeding techniques, and climate-smart agricultural practices to address the pressing challenges posed by erratic rainfall patterns and water scarcity in agricultural landscapes.

This technology is TAAT1 validated.


Scaling readiness: idea maturity 9/9; level of use 9/9

Positive or neutral impact

Adults 18 and over
Positive high
Under 18
Positive medium
Positive medium

Positive or neutral impact

Climate adaptability
It adapts really well
Adaptability for farmers
It helps a lot
It doesn't hurt them


  • Erratic Rainfall Patterns and Water Scarcity: The variability in precipitation poses a significant challenge to agricultural productivity, as crops like maize require sufficient water for optimal growth and development.
  • Challenges Associated with Drought Resilience: Traditional maize varieties often lack sufficient resilience to withstand prolonged drought conditions, resulting in decreased yields and economic losses for farmers.
  • Limited Access to Improved Varieties: Farmers in Sub-Saharan African countries face challenges in accessing improved maize varieties due to limited investments in the seed production sector.
  • Low Productivity in Maize Farming: Conventional maize varieties may not be well-suited for the diverse climatic and soil conditions found in Sub-Saharan Africa, leading to low productivity in maize farming.
  • Food and Nutritional Insecurity: Limited access to improved maize varieties can contribute to food and nutritional insecurity in the region, affecting both the quantity and quality of harvested grain.


  • TEGO, improved maize varieties with enhanced drought tolerance
  • Breeding of maize hybrids with high yield (20-35% yield increase) potential under drought stress conditions
  • Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, including conservation agriculture and integrated soil fertility management
  • Provision of training and extension services on climate-smart agricultural practices
  • Empowerment of smallholder farmers through access to improved maize varieties and knowledge resources
  • These varieties are specifically developed to perform well in diverse climatic and soil conditions.

Key points to design your project

DroughtTEGO technology is innovative technology contributing to climate resilience by mitigating the effects of drought, aligning with SDGs related to poverty reduction, food security, gender equality, and climate action, thus fostering a sustainable and equitable agricultural future.

To integrate DroughtTEGO technology into your project, the following activities and prerequisites can be planned:

  • Carry out field tests to identify suitable hybrid maize varieties that addresses pertinent challenges faced by the crop in a specific growing area,
  • Draw up a commercial variety license with the breeding company or institution that stipulates contractual obligations and operating procedures,
  • Select an area of land for multiplication that is fertile, properly irrigated and freely drained, and need to be kept free of weeds and pests,
  • Market the hybrid maize seed with local agrodealers and organize cost-effective production and timely delivery.

Estimation of Seed Requirements: Based on the technology cost and a requirement of maize seed per hectare, estimate the quantity of seeds needed for your project.

Account for delivery costs to the project site, as well as import clearance and duties if relevant, considering that DroughtTEGO® technology is available in multiple countries, including Nigeria and Senegal.

Allocate resources for training sessions conducted by a team of experts to provide guidance on the installation and utilization of DroughtTEGO technology. Additionally, budget for post-training support to ensure effective implementation.

Develop communication materials such as flyers, videos, and radio broadcasts to promote awareness and adoption of DroughtTEGO technology among farmers and stakeholders.

Collaborate with agricultural development institutes, research organizations, and seed multiplication companies to facilitate the dissemination and adoption of DroughtTEGO technology at scale.


ROI: $$$ 20—35 %

Yield increased



Countries with a green colour
Tested & adopted
Countries with a bright green colour
Countries with a yellow colour
Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Burkina Faso Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Cameroon Kenya Libya Liberia Madagascar Mali Malawi Morocco Mauritania Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Zambia Senegal Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Somalia South Sudan Sudan South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Togo Tunisia Chad Uganda Western Sahara Central African Republic Lesotho
Countries where the technology has been tested and adopted
Country Tested Adopted
Ethiopia Not tested Adopted
Kenya Not tested Adopted
Mozambique Not tested Adopted
Nigeria Not tested Adopted
South Africa Not tested Adopted
Tanzania Not tested Adopted
Uganda Not tested Adopted

This technology can be used in the colored agro-ecological zones. Any zones shown in white are not suitable for this technology.

Agro-ecological zones where this technology can be used
AEZ Subtropic - warm Subtropic - cool Tropic - warm Tropic - cool

Source: HarvestChoice/IFPRI 2009

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are applicable to this technology.

Sustainable Development Goal 1: no poverty
Goal 1: no poverty
Sustainable Development Goal 2: zero hunger
Goal 2: zero hunger
Sustainable Development Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Goal 8: decent work and economic growth
Sustainable Development Goal 12: responsible production and consumption
Goal 12: responsible production and consumption

  1. Licensing Agreement: Establish a clear licensing agreement between public and private entities to outline terms for multiplying and distributing designated maize varieties.

  2. Seed Multiplication: The private entity multiplies selected maize varieties with high germination rates and genetic purity under controlled conditions.

  3. Quality Control: Implement rigorous quality control measures, ensuring genetic purity and high-quality seed production.

  4. Reporting and Monitoring: Provide regular reports on production quantities and sales to maintain transparency and agreement adherence.

  5. Distribution: Distribute certified high-quality seeds through local agro-dealers, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of farmers.

  6. Market Promotion: Strategically market hybrid maize seed to both small-scale and commercial farmers, emphasizing cost-effective production and timely delivery.

  7. Monitoring and Feedback: Establish an ongoing feedback loop between public and private entities to ensure efficient seed multiplication.

Last updated on 22 May 2024